Alfa, the water in the province of Varese is boiling. And the president of the board of directors is wavering

Alfa, the water in the province of Varese is boiling. And the president of the board of directors is wavering
Alfa, the water in the province of Varese is boiling. And the president of the board of directors is wavering

VARESE – The water temperature in the province of Varese is reaching high temperatures in terms of fibrillations. And the current political structure of the sole water manager is under attack. The agreement, which until 48 hours ago seemed ironclad, has been completely called into question. And today, Tuesday 21 April, is the deadline for submitting applications for the next board of directors the bubble burst.

Step back

Until 48 hours ago all the main parties (Fratelli d’Italia, PD, Lega and Forza Italia) had found a consensus on the reconfirmation: on the names that make up the current Alfa board of directors and on the presidency (another Mazzucchelli mandate). But also on the “political” line that makes Alfa a “subsidiary” of Cap, the Milanese multi-utility that acted as mother hen to the sole operator without ever completely letting go. An agreement that in fact satisfied everyone. Including Meloni’s party, despite having no members on the board of directors, but only two positions in the external control bodies.

The water boils

But today’s politics is more fluid… than water. AND what was valid until yesterday became waste paper the following day. And so, hour after hour, the tide of discontent has begun to rise. Slow. First individual voices, who as the hours passed discovered that they had in common the general intention to change. And weigh more. And so a series of headlights-off attacks began. Brothers included, who rightly did the math and discovered that, even on the water issue, they risk being the strongest but least represented party. Not only.

Italia viva and the branch from the left

Also the Malnate-Luino-Induno civic axis, where some read as a revenge to differentiate itself from the PD which “betrayed” the municipal alliance (in Malnate), seems to be putting demands on the table. Frictions which, as was said above, looked more like lightning in a clear sky. But the weather began to threaten a storm with the statement from Italia Viva. The Renzians of Varesotto, in fact, during a recent electoral event, announced a battle over the Alfa match. Promise kept with a press release, also relaunched by the press office of the Honorable Maria Chiara Gadda, and now ready to put forward a list for the appointment of the new board of directors.

In (De) Medio non stat virtus

At this point the wave is now high and, in the chaos that is mounting, a third soul of discontent emerges. A group of civic mayors reporting to Eupolis. Which do not question the fact that there must be an exponent without party references on the board of directors, but rather the fact that this number cannot always be the same number. In two words: they are asking (perhaps not in an obvious way, for now) for Maria Sole De Medio to step backcouncilor of the Magrini area.

Reflection on Cap and Magrini

Finally, two more goals for stomach aches. The confirmation of the current board of directors would mean reaffirming the close Alfa-Cap alliance, which is not good for everyone, at least in the terms that have been outlined. «Why not think of a water system less dependent on the Milanese giants?“, throws in someone who claims that we could change course.

And last but not least there is the political objective, Marco Magrini. And regarding this matter, there are those who have defined it as “the president of everyone, who cannot be president for everyone”. Symptom of a bad mood about the constant balancing acts to keep the majority together. At this point, in fact, it is no longer a secret that forces and alliances will be measured on the renewal of the Alfa board of directors in view of the second level provincial elections.

The stone guests

In short, the dance has begun, but there are those who have not yet taken to the track. The Democratic Party and the League which for the moment are playing fish in the barrel and don’t say “Chep”. While Forza Italia stays away because it has to shore up its place on the board of directors, so much so that it is said that someone from Tradate will arrive near Tramontana. In short, the game is messy. At this time, the appointment of the board of directors may not be as simple as drinking a glass of water.

alpha acqua president – ​​MALPENSA24
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