Filianoti and the Purple Planet

The number one of the project Dierre, Roberto Filianoti, took stock of his season, future plans and interest in taking over the management of the sports facility “Purple Planet” “Massimo Mazzetto, at the microphones of Reggioacanestro, thanks to the interview with Giovanni Mafrici. Here is his budget.

It was an important, exciting and also formative year. What season did the number one of the Dierre project have?

“From the federal legislation at the beginning of the year we had the obligation to position ourselves in the top 8 and consequently reach the playoffs to avoid relegation. We started badly, 4 defeats in 4 games and last in the standings… consequently, as often happens, a change was mandatory. With the arrival of coach Cotroneo and two new additions, a wonderful group emerged on and off the pitch that fought all year, overcoming countless obstacles. All you need to do is analyze the fact that out of 10 members, only 2 have suffered injuries, which is certainly a “lucky” season.

“But hard work, organization and the desire to do well led Dierre to reach the playoffs for the second consecutive year, improving their position in the previous year’s standings. It is my duty to thank all the managers, technical and medical staff for the extraordinary work done behind the scenes. I have always maintained that it would have been impossible to reach these levels alone, and this year thanks to them we managed to improve on what we had done well in previous years.”

Year 2024-25, which Dierre will we see?

“I would like to point out that Dierre is the only senior-level company in Reggio Calabria that in the last 5 years has not gone bankrupt, has not been relegated, has not purchased titles and above all has no debts with anyone despite not being supported by numerous national companies but only by some small local companies that have embraced our project with great enthusiasm… all this is the result of meticulous planning, thoughtful choices, experience in the field and Friends/Managers who love this sport and who always push you to improve…” .

“Having said this, our goal is to improve ourselves year after year, also grow from a management point of view and start again from what we have done well. Coach Cotroneo is certainly the basis of our project, we will try to confirm some elements and we will go on the market to have a competitive roster for the 24-25 season. Unlike other years, we are already working on the C team and we will try again to start with the youth sector, which unfortunately we didn’t manage to do this year…”.

You are immersed in the RCL adventure. An important and significant way to insert Reggio Calabria into the map of National Basketball. How is the work progressing and where did the idea for this expensive and intriguing initiative come from?

“Giving an opportunity and visibility to kids who are looking for a contract for next season is the main objective of the creation of this Summer League. a tournament never played in Reggio Calabria. We need to grow the basketball movement in Reggio and we strongly believe that this is one of the many right ways to do it! We realized that there is a lot of curiosity and desire to participate. Many Sicilian companies will be present, as will many friends and agents. There’s just over a month to go and we can’t wait to start this new summer adventure.”

Sports restrictions and federal news? C unique all Calabrian, what does the soul of Dierre think?

“The sporting bond gives young boys the opportunity to ‘finally’ choose the club where they will carry out their activity and consequently no longer be anyone’s “hostage”! In my opinion, much more information should be provided by the federation given the imminent closeness which should start from July 1, 2024. Certainly, many companies that have invested time and money in young people over the years are worried about this new regulation, but I have always been of the opinion that those who work well reap the benefits, those who don’t complain!. The level of the youth sectors will certainly improve, and consequently this will be good for the whole movement.”

“As regards the Calabrian Cunica, after the meetings held with the FIP, unfortunately I believe that at the moment it remains only a beautiful idea. Having a group of 12/14 all Calabrian teams is impossible, there are no numbers, which in my opinion are due to a precarious Calabrian basketball organization, also because having 12 Calabrian C teams, as per federal regulation, requires having 12 or more teams in DR1. unfortunately these numbers do not exist in Calabria at the moment…”.

“I will focus on Reggio and make a small reflection… If there are no viable structures where basketball activities can be carried out, how can one expect new associations to be born? How can the youth sector be carried out? and consequently have kids ready for senior championships? How can we even think of having an all-Calabrian group if every year we have to fight to get a round, in the very few facilities, where we can train even though we are 4/5 basketball clubs?”.

Installations chapter: in our last interview there were extraordinary intentions. Assuming they are unchanged, what news do we have?

“There are always extraordinary intentions, but unfortunately it doesn’t depend on us. We were born just over 4 years ago and for 4 years we have been in constant contact with those in charge, explaining that we are ready to take over a structure. The latest news shows that the Purple Planet is almost ready to be delivered.
I sincerely hope that the tender will be made as soon as possible, and that it will be awarded to those who economically and structurally have the strength to manage such a structure”.

“Unfortunately in Reggio we continue to hear false and sometimes misleading news: the legislation exists and must be respected. We believe in this stadium already in the hands of some companies and all this only hurts Reggio sport, I am sure that the metropolitan city is working in the best possible way to make a historic structure like the Purple Planet open and accessible to all again ”.

How is Reggio and Calabrian basketball doing?

“There is always room for improvement, in my opinion it is undervalued, with the exception of 2/3 companies throughout Calabria and the numbers are proof of this. The facilities are a consequence of this shortage, training courses are rare, finding a coach under 40 is becoming practically impossible like getting young people out of the youth sector and into the first team. I am sure that if we have the desire to do well and if they put us in a position to be able to work, we have all the capabilities to become one of the top regions in Italy in the basketball sector.”

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