Comunali, Baldascino: “Norman Aversa, cultural city

Aversa is a cultural city that knows how to rethink its development, valorising the enormous intangible heritage it possesses, which must be promoted in terms of economic and social growth.

“Being the first Norman County in Italy, having given birth to the international musicians Cimarosa, Jommelli and Andreozzi, possessing unique architectural assets such as churches, palaces and castles and a food and wine basket that can boast buffalo mozzarella, asprinio wine and polonaise, must not only be a source of pride given to us by history and our ancestors, but an ‘intangible cultural heritage’ to be enhanced for future generations”.

The mayoral candidate of the centre-left progressive coalition Mauro Baldascino he has no doubts.

A topic also addressed in the comparison with the other mayoral candidates in Citofonare Montone organized by LaRamp And RadioPiù.

Here is his recipe for tourism in Aversa.

“To strengthen the cultural attractions of Aversa in terms of developing tourist flows, we need the promotion of social innovation and new entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative sectors, also with the use of new technologies”.

“We need to improve the cultural offer, but also the growth of social inclusion and overcoming the so-called cultural divide (that virtual barrier caused by cultural differences, which hinders interactions and harmonious relationships between people of different cultures)”.


The candidate continues: “I launched the proposal of Aversa Capital of Culture in the first discussion we had with the mayors on the topic of tourism development and I am happy that someone has already accepted it. Now we need to go beyond the dream or the idea and concretely create a legal entity that guides this process of promotion and development”.

“We need to create a Foundation as a management tool for Aversa’s cultural heritage. A participatory cultural foundation, made up of the main stakeholders (Municipality, public institutions, Diocese, financial institutions, third sector and private individuals) who want to invest with their assets in the tourism development of Aversa”.

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