Catanzaro on the carousel of dreams. Coach Vivarini: “Cremonese favourites, but we are 11 against 11, let’s believe it”

Catanzaro on the carousel of dreams. Coach Vivarini: “Cremonese favourites, but we are 11 against 11, let’s believe it”
Catanzaro on the carousel of dreams. Coach Vivarini: “Cremonese favourites, but we are 11 against 11, let’s believe it”

It’s still the old story of David versus Goliath, that is, of a clearly underdog outsider facing someone apparently destined to win. Catanzaro-Cremonese, the first leg of the playoff semi-final for Serie A, can be framed in this way. On the one hand there is the freshman just arrived from C who did more than he should have, climbing up to fifth place and moving within four games of promotion: an interloper among clubs that have spent at least three times as much. On the other there is one of the battleships of the tournament, built to immediately return to where it came from, the top category. On the one hand there is a (courageous) captain, Iemmello, who seeks redemption for himself and for a people, on the other people accustomed to frequenting more prestigious stages, from Vazquez to Coda. On one bench sits a coach who had to earn matches like this with the sweat of a very long apprenticeship, Vivarini, on the opposite bench sits a colleague who has been to Serie A twice and plans to return a third, Stroppa.
In theory, the Eagles are done for, but if there’s one thing that teaches us that anything is possible, it’s that old story of David versus Goliath. The favorite that seems unbeatable actually never is. And from a team that has been enchanting for two years and wrote another epic page no later than three days ago, overcoming Brescia, it is reasonable to expect anything. Also to once again subvert a prediction and a regulation that would see it out with two draws between tonight (“Ceravolo” towards a soldout with 10,642 spectators) and next Saturday’s return match at the “Zini” (where the 2,400 seats in the guest sector ended up in fifteen minutes).
Commander. Vivarini believes in the undertaking: «In football there are no absolute values, those with the best players don’t always win, the strength of ideas and heart also count», explains the Abruzzo coach, taking everyone back to the magical comeback against Brescia and to the many pearls given to the fans in this championship. «In my opinion, Cremonese will start very strong, they are a club that last year was in Serie A, they have players with experience and depth, but I think they will also feel this match and, fortunately, they will only have eleven players on the pitch, just like we”.
In the regular season the two direct clashes ended 0-0. The last one, in Catanzaro, was just a month ago: «Cremonese defends differently from all the others, so we adapted to that challenge by tackling it differently. For example, we are used to having a lot of ball possession, but you can’t do that with them, so on that occasion we lowered our center of gravity a bit because that’s where the spaces were”, underlines the 58-year-old coach.
The Giallorossi are first in terms of possession and precision of passes, Cremonese are immediately behind: it will be a battle to control the game. «I expect him to express himself very aggressively man against man, he will wage endless war against us», warns Vivarini again.
Conditions. Among the unknowns for the Eagles would be their form, after the abundant 120′ on Saturday: «In these two days we have only recovered our energy, we didn’t need extra time against Brescia, but I’m calm because we all care a lot , the strength is there and, on the pitch, it will be about putting a year’s work into practice”, continues the coach. Which in terms of strength of character is on the safe side, even on the part of rediscovered elements such as Donnarumma and Brignola: «I have always believed in everyone a little and now both of them are fully recovered too».
Furthermore, it may not be a complete disadvantage to have less pressure than Cremonese, favored by the rules, but forced to go through by constitution: «We didn’t play as well as usual against Brescia due to the tension caused by what was at stake, the opponents can also feel this aspect. And it is certain that if we do what we know, we will be able to play until the end.”

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