“Europe is needed for healthcare and infrastructure”

Loreto was the Marche stop on the electoral tour of Matteo Renzi, who was in the city yesterday afternoon in view of the European elections. “In the tour we are making in Europe for the European elections we are saying two things – began Renzi –. The first is that whoever is running, if elected, must actually go to Europe, because some Italian leaders, Meloni, Tajani and Schlein, they are defrauding the citizens, they run for office and then they don’t go. The second is that unlike the others we are trying to fill the electoral campaign with content and so we go to each city to rediscover a piece of our Europe. We want states United States of Europe (that’s the name of the list, ed.), but we are not afraid to say that the roots, the Greek, Roman, Christian, Jewish roots must be preserved and therefore it is wonderful to be in this wonderful city. I was in the basilica of Santa Casa today and then now I meet the many friends of the United States of Europe of the Marche here, at Villa Battibecco. Let’s start from identity, which we must not abandon, because it is not the opposite of integration, rather it is the starting point”. He stated this once he arrived, accompanied by the mayor of Loreto, Moreno Pieroni, between shots and smiles. “Europe led by the extreme right is no longer Europe – added Renzi –. Their slogan is Salvini’s, less Europe, but if today you say less Europe, it means more China, it means more Russia”. Then focus on infrastructure and healthcare, also for the territory. “Europe needs the 37 billion euros of the health ESM, to which Meloni said no and Conte also said no – Renzi further explained –. I ask the citizens of the Marche region, are you happy with the waiting lists for this region? Are you satisfied with the quality of the services? In my opinion, more can be done. The Marche is a wonderful, beautiful region, but it needs more investments in healthcare and infrastructure even recently it was crowned as one of the most attractive regions in Europe, it needs to be reached with fewer hitches, with fewer construction sites, fewer problems. And Europe is needed for this. In fact, I would like to say this to Salvini, he says less Europe. but if he says less, Europe cuts your budget, because the majority of Italian infrastructure investments come from European funds. We hurt ourselves. Forza Italia wants Von der Leyen, we want Draghi , those who vote for the United States of Europe vote for change”.

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