Agri-food: Reggio Calabria, fish products in poor hygienic conditions sold at the market

Agri-food: Reggio Calabria, fish products in poor hygienic conditions sold at the market
Agri-food: Reggio Calabria, fish products in poor hygienic conditions sold at the market

Reggio Calabria – The Carabinieri of the Palmi Company, in collaboration with the Coast Guard of Gioia Tauro, the veterinarians of the ASP of Reggio Calabria and the local police command, have coordinated a series of checks aimed at combating the illegal sale of fish products .

The outcome of the checks carried out revealed administrative violations which led to the seizure of over 15 kilos of spoiled fish and approximately 6000 euros in charges against the street vendors. The subjects of the checks were the local market of Palmi, fishmongers and various illegal stalls present at the Tonnara. In the latter location, in particular, several kilos of fish were found, closed in plastic bags inside which insects of various kinds were proliferating, in terrible hygienic and sanitary conditions, ready for sale. The elderly are almost always at the expense of the illegal sale of fish, with significant health consequences. They are precisely the most vulnerable victims.

Unaware of the danger deriving from the intake of these foods, in fact, they purchase them from so-called “trusted” sellers. Long-time acquaintances or presumed friends who, without scruples, sort the unsellable fish waste, with standardized disposal methods: mobile docks located near homes that are easy to dismantle and hide in case of checks by the competent authorities.

The maxi inter-force intervention was justified by the continuous reports from citizens, increasingly tired of the nauseating smells coming from these activities which, with the approach of summer and the increase in temperatures, risk compromising public health. Furthermore, numerous regulations were imposed on some fishmongers who, regardless of the relevant health regulations, displayed and processed their catch, spilling organic material onto public roads and attracting animals of various kinds.


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