Weather alert in Treviso and its province: sandbag race | Today Treviso | News

TREVISO – The land is still waterlogged after the recent rains and the rivers have not recovered from the floods. Faced with a new worrying weather report, the alert is maximum and the anxiety among the people of Treviso is palpable. Particularly in Castelfranco and in the Asolo area, where citizens are preparing for possible new floods.

Summit with the Prefect

On Monday 20 May, the prefect Angelo Sidoti called a meeting to coordinate the interventions. The priority is to provide assistance to the population and, to this end, the Provincial Relief Coordination Centre at the fire brigade headquarters in via Santa Barbara. Present were the prefect, the head of the provincial Civil Protection Maria Teresa Miori and other representatives.

Preparations and Distribution of Sandbags

Yesterday, in Asolo, volunteers distributed sandbags to protect homes and commercial activities. Many citizens went to the warehouse in via Giorgione to stock up and more will be distributed today in Castelfranco. The authorities’ response was timely: over 100 firefighters and a thousand Civil Protection volunteers are ready to face a new emergency.

Interventions and Recommendations

The head of Civil Protection, Maria Teresa Miori, told the press today: “We cannot predict with certainty the evolution of the situation, but we are ready. We are in constant communication with the mayors of the areas most at risk, such as Castelfranco, Pedemontana, Casale sul Sile and Roncade, where the Municipal Operations Centers (Coc) have been activated.”

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