8xmille, Don Filiputti (Archdiocese of Udine): «It is a gesture of affection for the Church, its activities and cultural heritage»

8xmille, Don Filiputti (Archdiocese of Udine): «It is a gesture of affection for the Church, its activities and cultural heritage»
8xmille, Don Filiputti (Archdiocese of Udine): «It is a gesture of affection for the Church, its activities and cultural heritage»

«A signature that does good». This is the slogan that accompanies the invitation to sign to allocate 8×1000 of the Irpef revenue to the Catholic Church. A slogan that is not just made of words, but of concrete gestures and numbers that describe those gestures. At a national level, in fact, they were assigned in 2023 over 243 million euros for charitable interventions (of which 150 destined for the dioceses). Alongside these items appear 403 million euros for the support of over 32 thousand priests who spend themselves in favor of communities and who are often the prime movers of works to support the most vulnerable. AND over 352 million euros for worship and pastoral needsa voice that also includes the interventions to protect cultural and ecclesiastical heritage, also with important restorations aimed at handing down art and faith to future generations (as well as supporting the local economic and tourist industry). A necessary economic coverage, therefore, on the border between culture and art, charity and support for priests, emergencies and missions. In this regard, the Archdiocese of Udine has appointed one of its priests to promote economic support for the Catholic Church: this is Don Fabio Filiputtito whom we asked some questions.

Don Fabio Filiputti, head of the diocesan service “Sovvenire” for the promotion of economic support to the Catholic Church

Don Filiputti, in recent years the number of beneficiaries of the 8×1000 has expanded greatly. What does this fact mean?

«To date there are twelve subjects who have entered into agreements with the State for the distribution of the 8×1000 funds. Given that each beneficiary will obtain a share of the money by dividing the entire amount in proportion to the number of preferences expressed with the signatures, this does not necessarily lead to a decrease in the capital received. If we look at the Catholic Church, however, the problem lies in the fact that fewer and fewer people are signing in favor of it.»

Is it an ideological question or a lack of information?

«Fewer and fewer people know how to express their affection for the Church or, vice versa, do not feel her as close as a mother, and are attracted by other forms of alternative spiritual subsidiarity.»

Can the signing of the 8xmille therefore be understood as a gesture of affection for the Catholic Church?

«Pope Francis in the audience of 3 September 2014 said that “One does not become a Christian on one’s own, that is, with one’s own strength, autonomously, nor does one become a Christian in a laboratory, but one is generated and made to grow in faith within of that great body which is the Church. In this sense the Church is truly mother, our mother Church.” Which child who felt loved, cared for and guarded by his mother would not feel joy in supporting her even in her weaknesses and fragility? Both by bearing the same burdens and, as in this case, with the sole effort of a signature.”

Speaking of efforts, is signing up for the 8×1000 to the Catholic Church burdensome for the taxpayer?

“Absolutely no! It’s about asserting one’s right to allocate that part of contributions that would otherwise remain with the State. Furthermore, for the principle of equity, the share to be allocated is not calculated on the basis of one’s contribution possibilities, but, as already specified, is determined by the fraction of preferential signatures for a beneficiary proportionate to the others.”

The slogan of the campaign in support of the 8xmille signature for the Catholic Church reads “A signature that does good”. Who is it good for?

«Without mincing words… everyone! Good is good always and everywhere; to each and every one: to those who do it, because even without realizing it they become an instrument in the hands of God’s providence, and to those who receive it because they perceive that they are loved disinterestedly: it is an aspect that helps to sustain the daily hardships that life places in front.”

How are 8×1000 funds used in the Archdiocese of Udine?

«The 8×1000 funds in the Diocese of Udine are distributed not only for the financial support of priests, but also for the construction of places of worship where individual communities are unable to deal with real economic problems in ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Then there are funds allocated to Caritas (specified in the annual social budget, ed.), to the activities of the Curia offices, to pastoral care, to the diocesan media and many others.»

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