Poste Italiane, Affatigato (CISL Sicily): “No to privatization”

“Over 500 Sicilian postal employees have expressed their firm opposition to the feared privatization of Poste Italiane mooted by the Meloni Government. Today in a protest demonstration in Palermo they reiterated their deep attachment to the company and their customers, while guaranteeing all postal services in the area with open offices and regular deliveries of mail and parcels. In the coming days they will organize further awareness initiatives to inform citizens about the concrete risks of the privatization of Poste Italiane”. The regional secretary of Slp Cisl Sicily says so Maurizio Affatigato.

“Despite the great sense of responsibility that pushed us not to create inconvenience for citizens and businesses – goes on – we cannot remain idle in the face of this new threat to our company and the essential public service it represents” The sale of 30% of the share capital held by the Mef, as hypothesized by the government, would represent a decisive step towards the complete privatization of Poste Italiane.

“An operation that – second Faffatigato – it would have dramatic consequences for the country and would lead to cuts in staff and the post office network with an inevitable worsening of the services offered to citizens, especially in rural and peripheral areas. Furthermore, the costs of postal services would undergo a significant increase, making them less accessible for the weakest sections of the population: Privatization would also result in a drastic reduction in staff with thousands of jobs at risk.” “We are deeply concerned – added the CISL Sicilia confederal secretary Sebastiano Cappucciofor the future of Poste Italiane and for the public service that it guarantees. We ask the government to review its position and safeguard a company that is essential for the country”. In addition to today’s protest, the Sicilian postal services announce that in the coming days they will hold further awareness initiatives to inform citizens about the concrete risks of the privatization of Poste Italiane.

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