Telephone antennas, protest demonstration today in Andria “limits are needed to protect residents”. Path

Telephone antennas, protest demonstration today in Andria “limits are needed to protect residents”. Path
Telephone antennas, protest demonstration today in Andria “limits are needed to protect residents”. Path

L’Association “I’m here!” by Andria confirmed that he had obtained theauthorization for the demonstration aimed at urging local institutions to come the installation of the telephone antenna was avoided near the homes of residents of via Scipio Africanus. At the same time, the organizers ask local administrators to start the process for an ad hoc ordinance that places more incisive limits on this type of activity, therefore contesting the increase of these limits from the current 6V/m to even 15V/m. The protest demonstration – scheduled from 7.00 pm today (Saturday 18 May)you will see the following path:

Via Don Riccardo Lotti, V.le Ausonia, Via Bottego, Via Annunziata, Via Orsini, Piazza Ruggiero Settimo, Via O. Jannuzzi, Via A. De Gasperi, Via Porta Castello towards Piazza Catuma with static SIT IN. Having received confirmation from the Police Headquarters, the organizational machine was immediately set in motion to raise awareness among citizens who were also invited to join the procession along the route, to all reach the Sit-In in Piazza Catuma together.


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