CGIL Salerno, Scafati’s tragedy: “A continuous and perpetual mourning. The State must tell us if it is there and which side it is on”

CGIL Salerno, Scafati’s tragedy: “A continuous and perpetual mourning. The State must tell us if it is there and which side it is on”
CGIL Salerno, Scafati’s tragedy: “A continuous and perpetual mourning. The State must tell us if it is there and which side it is on”

Late this morning a huge tragedy occurred in the heart of the city of Scafati. A very young 21 year old resident of Poggiomarino lost his life while he was working on a construction site, renovating a private building. It is not the task of the CGIL to go into detail about the dynamics. It is not the Union’s job to follow up on investigations. The whys and hows will be established by the relevant authorities who opened the investigations.
It is our task, however, to intervene in yet another human tragedy that occurred a few hours ago on a construction site. The most sincere condolences of CGIL Salerno and all its categories go to the family and loved ones.
«We mourn another son – comments Antonio Apadula, General Secretary of the CGIL Salerno -. We do it without any more tears. There is pain and there is anger. This very young boy left home this morning to go to work. He will come home tonight in a coffin. How many scenes like this do we still have to witness so that in this country, from north to south, the rules change and safety is guaranteed in the workplace? It’s a massacre, a continuous mourning.
We sympathize with the pain of the family of this young man killed at work with the complicity of those who remain silent in the face of the absence of precise rules that can eliminate these tragedies which almost never derive from an uncontrollable fatality. The State must tell us if it is there and which side it is on.”

«Another premature death that will swell the cold and aseptic statistics of unpunished deaths without anyone paying for these “murders”. One thousand and forty-one people died last year – explains Luca Daniele, General Secretary of CGIL Fillea -. Since the beginning of this year it seems that the incidence of cases is even higher. Contracts, subcontracts, no precise rules, few standards respected. We have been loudly asking for years for greater protection of workers’ rights, starting from safety, through the fight against precarious and unprotected work, up to the request to hire at least 10 thousand new labor inspectors. Politics is now required to give a clear and strong signal if it wants to hope to still be able to define itself as a civilized country.”

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