“With Cirio for a Piedmont that wants to continue racing” [VIDEO] – Targatocn.it

“With Cirio for a Piedmont that wants to continue racing” [VIDEO] – Targatocn.it
“With Cirio for a Piedmont that wants to continue racing” [VIDEO] – Targatocn.it

There is also Simona Giaccardi, president of the municipal council in Fossano and provincial councilor with responsibilities for Culture and Heritagea leading exponent of the League provincial and regional, among the five candidates from the province of Cuneo that the Carroccio aims to have elected at Palazzo Lascaris.

Lawyer and civil mediatormother of three teenage children, Giaccardi is busy in these weeks of the electoral campaign making Granda voters aware of the contents of a political commitment carried out for years with determination, passion and a sense of responsibility.


“I am convinced – explains – that I will be able to give my support to what is today the work of the governor Alberto Cirio, who with great difficulty has managed in a historically difficult moment, perhaps unique, to give a different imprint to our region, to put it on the move . It’s what we are used to doing: working with concreteness and commitment to have a region that is stronger than before, more visible than before, a region that is put in a position to express its true potential.”

Simona Giaccardi’s attention for a high-speed Piedmont looks in particular to the Granda province, a reality she has known and frequented for years thanks to her commitment as municipal administrator in Fossano and to the work conducted in her role as provincial councilor. A role that leads her to deal daily with administrators from across the province, in search of concrete solutions to problems that are not always easy.

“I represent the province of Cuneo – explains –, a land known for its industriousness. Evidence that can also be found every day among the mayors and administrators of our municipalities. In recent years I have been lucky enough to meet highly motivated people, with great skills, who make themselves available to citizens on a daily basis without asking for anything in return. These territories deserve to continue working for them and that is what I will do. For this reason, on 8 and 9 June I invite everyone to vote for Lega in the regional elections by writing Simona Giaccardi on the ballot.”

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