Career Day – We For Job 2024 – Summer Edition

Published on May 17, 2024 • Work •
Lungo Ticino Sforza, 46, 27100 Pavia PV, Italy

The Career Day “We for Job” 2024 Summer Edition: An unmissable opportunity for the Pavia job market

The Employment Centers of the province of Pavia are pleased to announce the return of the “We for Job” Career Day in its summer edition of 2024. The event, which is establishing itself as one of the key moments for the local world of work , will be held on May 29th at the Horti Borromaici in Pavia.

The President of the Province Giovanni Palli explains the scheduled day: “This event is an extraordinary opportunity both for citizens looking for work and for companies eager to meet new talent. We have a high corporate participation, with 14 companies offering 64 jobs. This year, for the first time, we will include targeted placement interviews, filling 26 places, promoting inclusiveness and equal opportunities. We are at full speed with the process of strengthening the employment centres, gathering, more and more every day, important feedback on the improvement of active employment policies in the province of Pavia and a tangible and growing valorisation of human capital in the various phases in which this is expressed (education, training, work). Career day represents the challenge of “bringing out”, from offices and work tables, an effective public administration capable of generating opportunities. A necessary challenge in a national context, and even more so a provincial one, where the mismatching between supply and demand tends to increase every day. A fact on which to continue working by weaving networks, with the business world, skill centers and the world of training, but also trying to break down that wall of self-referentiality into which, sometimes, institutions fall.”.

Among the main activities planned during the event:

Job Interviews: candidates pre-selected by the CPI staff will have the opportunity to directly meet representatives of the participating companies for personalized job interviews.

Meetings with Employment Agencies: Specialized agencies will be present to offer advice and support in finding job opportunities and present their vacancies.

Curriculum Vitae Development: Industry experts will be available to provide advice and suggestions on how to create an effective and successful CV, collect them and then review them in the office.

Professional Photography Creation: A photography service will be available to help candidates create a professional presence online and offline.

Desk for Incentives and Benefits: Detailed information will be provided on incentives and benefits for those looking for work or wanting to start their own business.

Free training courses: accredited bodies will illustrate free training courses to improve skills and increase opportunities for entry into the world of work organized within the framework of employment policies.

Furthermore, we are proud to announce the participation of the Councilor for Education, Training and Work of the Lombardy Region who will intervene to underline the importance of the initiative in promoting the economic and social development of the province of Pavia. A technical table chaired by the President of the Province Giovanni Palli will meet and representatives of Unipv, INPS, Labor Inspectorate, Chamber of Commerce and Apolf will participate.

During the event, CPIperTe, the new Job Center portal, designed to offer simpler and more immediate access to the job opportunities and services offered, will be presented in preview.

Event Details:

Date: May 29, 2024

Location: Horti Borromaici, Pavia

For further information and to apply for job offers, please visit the official event website:

Career Day poster “We for Job” 2024 Summer Edition

Attachment 3.54 MB png format

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