Ghinelli: More Italy in Europe

The mayor of Arezzo, Ghinelli,’s race towards the European elections on 6-9 June has begun.

Having taken to the field among the ranks of Forza Italia, also during the meeting organized by Confesercenti Arezzo on the morning of 13 May, he reiterated his independence and the value of political citizenship to give new impetus to a Europe which must address itself in a more cohesive manner greater attention to the territories and which cannot fail to ignore a determined role for Italy.

A more cohesive Europe, inspired and moved by liberal and moderate values, in the name of which the voices of the individual “Heads of State and Government” do not “out of tune” to the detriment of a more edifying common policy that is reflected in facts and ‘externations and in which citizens, especially Italian ones, find new stimuli and renewed affection and trust in the role of the supranational system.

The motto of candidate Ghinelli: More Italy in Europe

For this reason, to promote his candidacy and take off towards Strasbourg, the mayor of Arezzo relies on the slogan “More Italy in Europe”.

Aware of the complexity of a highly competitive electoral campaign, even within the political formation with which he sides as an independent, he admits that it will not be an easy undertaking and enthusiastically trusts in his political and administrative competence and experience.

He does not hide his faith in the “civism” in which he recognizes himself as a leading interpreter and which in recent years has characterized local politics, with results that have come to the attention of national politics, encouraging the interest and consideration also of traditional parties, increasingly in difficulty in the era of “anti-politics” and populism to intercept consensus and participate in the creation of a renewed European project based on the values ​​of liberal democracy.

At the call of Forza Italia, with its project in the name of civility, the mayor of Arezzo cannot resist

For this reason he is not at all “scared” and demotivated by the challenging undertaking that awaits himaccepted the invitation to take the field in the ranks of Forza Italia, beyond the personal relationship with Tajani, recognizing himself in those moderate and liberal values ​​on which it is based and appreciating the vision and the project through which the role central dand mayors in not only national but supranational politics.

A political project that brings civility to a systemic level that has involved it with enthusiasm and conviction enough to overcome any resistance, despite the fear of an arduous and hard-fought electoral competition right down to the last vote and which, in my opinion, goes beyond the European elections, considering that next year there will be an appointment for the renewal of the representatives of the Tuscan Regional Council, which could see the mayor of Arezzo among the protagonists, if the objective of sitting on the benches of the European Parliament falls through.

With Forza Italia the EPP is closer

With these assumptions, the electoral campaign of the mayor of Arezzo is developing, with the awareness of participating with the only political force capable of guaranteeing entry into the European People’s Party, in which it recognizes itself for the pro-European vision inspired by those principles based on peace, prosperity and shared solutions to common problems in a coherent vision, but able to adapt to natural changes in perspectives and opinions within European society.

In a delicate climate of profound uncertainty, he reiterates that his commitment will be particularly focused on far-reaching and topical issues such as security, the green and digital transition and the management of migrant flows on our continent.

With Ghinelli More Arezzo in Europe

It is certain and it remains for him to convince the voters of the Arezzo area that with his election there will be even more Arezzo in Europe, proudly claiming the prominent position of our city on the European scene thanks to the Eurocities circuit, in which he makes his its voice especially in the cultural and green transition fields and for its active participation in international projects that involve few other Italian cities.

He proudly adds that Arezzo knows how to take on problems that do not only concern our territory, but a wider community such as Italy and Europe and also reassures regarding his institutional commitment as mayor during the electoral campaign, also rejecting the ” accusations” from those who accuse him of always being abroad.

Indeed, he counterattacks by justifying his foreign trips for institutional and preparatory reasons to promote Arezzo and recognizing the merit of supporting the name of his city in an international context.

Who knows what the contribution of the independent Ghinelli will be to the race of Forza Italia which aims to become the second force of the centre-right, certainly his election to the European Parliament, according to him, would mean:

  • More Italy in Europe,
  • Arezzo protagonist in Europe.

If among the priorities of his electoral program stand out the themes linked to migration, the consolidation of European cultural policies, the digital transition and the green one, with the latter which cannot destroy and ignore the current economy, there is no lack of that linked to security, with respect to which its position is clear even from a broader perspective, such as the European one.

He promises to become a European “sheriff”.

Also very felt at a local level is the issue of security, towards which the mayor has always shown himself to be politically sensitive, making it a strong point in his latest electoral campaign, even earning the nickname “sheriff”, despite the results not being so flattering and in any case lower than expected, it is among the priorities of Ghinelli’s European agenda.

Ready to commit to the security front also in the European context, with a much broader and clearer vision which he summarizes by relying on the saying “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (if you want peace, prepare your weapons), the meeting in Confesercenti was the opportunity to underline his independence within a party in which he recognizes himself for the moderate values ​​it expresses, to establish himself as a person of the territory, capable of intercepting and representing its needs, distancing himself from political candidates close to the apparatus ” Roman”.

In his second term at the helm of his city, he appears determined to face this new and difficult challenge with awareness and enthusiasm which sees him committed to competing in the Central Italy constituency (Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria, Marche) which will elect 15 members to the European Parliament.

Towards Strasbourg in the name of “civism”

He is convinced that the contribution of civility can be precious in the name of renewal and consolidation of the European Union, also through the valorisation and protection of territories, from which European policies have too often proven distant.

There is no doubt that the concept of territoriality cannot be experienced and exploited as a disintegrating element and as a representation of identities which, due to their diversity, become divisive, rather than a source of value in an assembly capable of expressing those liberal, supportive and moderate values, around which to renew and consolidate the role of the European Union as a concrete expression of peoples and in the name of greater cohesion and representativeness.

Two mottos in reverse within the governing alliance: sign of democracy or risk of irreconcilable distance

Who knows if in terms of consensus Ghinelli’s More Italy in Europe slogan will win, which also promises More Arezzo in Europe, or that of his government ally, Captain Salvini, who is breathing down the neck of the general and the promoters of the “Venetian discontent” on the contrary, it promotes the motto “More Italy, less Europe”.

While waiting for the polls to celebrate the winners and for the new European structures to take shape, there is no doubt that Europe needs a profound restyling capable of undertaking a virtuous path towards the construction of a more equitable and politically cohesive and representative apparatus.

If EUROPE must recover global political credibility, rebuild citizens’ trust and sense of belonging with a cohesive vision towards a political future, which cannot continue to be conditioned by elitist economic and financial interests, Italy cannot be less.

More Italy in Europe, in the name of greater cohesion and representativeness

It must be a protagonist in the construction of a political Europe and not run the risk of being marginalized, making it irrelevant on the European scene.

We cannot overlook the fact that we are, in addition to being one of the founding countries, Europe’s third largest economy.

It must consciously and responsibly play a strategic role to contribute to the stability of the European Union, in an international context, moreover, crossed by unstable geopolitical balances and exposed to strong destabilizing tensions that contribute to the risk of the rise of illiberal democracies.

With the certainty that “There is no Europe without Italy”, who knows if Ghinelli’s promise “More Arezzo in Europe” will be appreciated and intercepted by the consensus of Arezzo voters

There is no Europe without or with little Italy, but it is no longer conceivable to support an elitist Europe and for this reason we recommend to Ghinelli and his adversaries the great sense of responsibility that the race for Strasbourg imposes to redesign a renewed Europe, which with civic, community and solidarity spirit looks towards peace, sustainability and above all pays attention to the young generations, who otherwise risk experiencing and suffering an era of profound decline and socio-economic and cultural hardship.

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