from 2 million in Pordenone to 20 in Trieste

The Municipality of Pordenone arrived at spend almost two million euros per year against a population that just exceeds 50 thousand inhabitants. The Municipality of UdineInstead, reports spending five times higher, i.e. greater than ten million euros. The total annual expenditure of the is monstrous Municipality of Trieste, which even “burns” more than twenty million euros in one year. Gorizia closes with almost six million euros.

Alone, the four provincial capitals put resources on the ground equal to around 40 million euros in twelve months. It’s the cost of elder carean increasingly important topic for an aging society like that of Friuli Venezia Giulia. At the same time it is also a challenge for the system: guaranteeing those over 65 an increasingly comfortable life.


The research is the one signed by the Openpolis portal, with a detailed look at what is happening in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Among the Friulian municipalities, the three with the highest exits are Moggio Udinese (Udine, 1,247.19 euros per capita), Aiello del Friuli (Udine, 1,009.67) e San Quirino (Pordenone, 503.37). The Trieste administrations are those that on average spend the most with 139.69 euros per capita. Followed by those of the province of Gorizia (86.26), Udine (58.03) and Pordenone (54.90). «The data – explain the experts – show the cash expenditure reported in the appropriate budget item. Greater or lesser expenses do not necessarily imply positive or negative management of the matter.” As regards cities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants, Trieste is the one with the highest expenditure for the support of people over a certain age with 104.14 euros per capita. A rather high value if we consider that the second in the ranking (Milan) spends 43.75 euros per capita, a value equal to less than half that of the capital of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.


There expense – both per capita and overall – that Municipalities dedicate to the care and assistance of the elderly is clearly growing. The range, in the last ten years, speaks of an increase in spending of 30 percent in practically all the countries of Friuli Venezia Giulia. They range from bonuses that are activated with age to social services, from the fund for possible autonomy, which for example allows the elderly to receive contributions useful for paying a carer, to subsidies for retirement home fees. Up to shared healthcare spending, which the Region also has a large hand in.
Friuli Venezia Giulia is among the regions with the highest average age in the whole country and the data is starting to weigh on the budgets of local authorities.
Remaining at this first moment in the province of Pordenone, therefore in Western Friuli, we note how in Pedemontana the municipalities spend more based on the population. For example, we find the three million euros in the budget of the Municipality of Aviano, but also the two million euros allocated annually by the administration of San Quirino, a small municipality but with a high percentage of expenditure dedicated to the world of the elderly. And again Maniago, which provides more than 3.5 million euros every year for assistance to the elderly.
However, six million euros have been budgeted by the Municipality of Sacile, a town which however has practically twenty thousand inhabitants. The municipality of Azzano Decimo also exceeds three million euros, while Spilimbergo stops at less than 700 thousand euros.
We then move to the province of Udine, where for example the case of Moggio Udinese stands out. We are in the Canal del Ferro, in the mountains, and the small municipality offers its elderly population, which represents the absolute majority of residents, just over two million euros. Almost a national record.


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