one mother in 5 does not work

one mother in 5 does not work
one mother in 5 does not work

«One in five working mothers is forced to abandon their job, here in Sannio as in the rest of the South». Armida stated it…

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«One in five working mothers is forced to abandon their job, here in Sannio as in the rest of the South». To affirm it Armida Filippelliregional councilor for training, speaking at the study day on the female labor market in Benevento wanted by CGIL to celebrate 80 years since the foundation of the «Chamber of Labor». Due to the Government’s inertia, “a worker – he underlined – has to leave her job because there is a lack of essential services such as nursery schools, they do not have the possibility of entrusting their children to their grandparents nor are they in possession of sufficient economic resources to hire a baby -sitter”. It is a problem that is up to politics to address. «It is therefore necessary that the infrastructural conditions are created so that women, whether they are mothers or not, can legitimately aspire to a fundamental right such as that of work». As far as the regional government is concerned, «we are committed – she recalled – to establishing dedicated training courses. But the main effort, lacking so far – her clarification – must come from Rome.”


Furthermore, he expressed some doubts about the actual role of the Region in this “battle of civilisation”. Raffaele Paudice, of the CGIL regional secretariat. «Although announced – she denounced – a specific program on employment, including female employment, called Gol, to be supported with Pnrr funds, is struggling to take off. More generally, the Region is involving us as little as other social and trade union entities on this crucial issue.” Benevento with its potential pink workforce “is affected – he added – by the tragedy of being an internal area, which contributes significantly to determining the employment gap for women and young people”. But it is not only this hateful coercion that prevents the other half of the sky from achieving full equality. «A worker, in Benevento – he warned Antonella Rubbo, member of the Cigiellina provincial secretariat – must also suffer the humiliation of finding himself on the pay slip, for the same tasks, with emoluments up to 30% lower than those of his colleagues”. Therefore, in spite of the programs for the definitive take-off of gender equality that have been announced many times and denied by the facts as many times, “the path to follow for this objective – he clearly clarified Rossella del Preteprofessor at Unisannio – there is still a long way to go.” And it couldn’t be otherwise, also taking into account the fact that, in these parts, the female unemployment rate reaches 20% with employment barely stopping at 40% compared to 60% for men. «Intervention by the institutions, starting from the central one, which has not done much except with proclamations – explained Gaetanina Ricciardi, head of the Gender Policies department of the Campania CGIL – means creating the conditions so that Benevento can take off with the woman’s full commitment.”

“It is a duty to intervene because here women’s rights have been eroded over time” he warned in turn Maria Grazia Gabrielli, national secretary of the CGIL. «And to say that between the 1930s and 1960s – observed del Prete – women occupied a position of strength in the tobacco and textile sectors, with around 7 thousand employed women workers». A reality that disappeared at the end of the 70s and never recurred as Benevento became a tertiary city. «Sannio – observed Luciano Valle, provincial secretary – has received millions from the Region over the years for training courses for beauticians and hairdressers. A good thing without a doubt. Now, however, let’s work to create new professional figures, functional to the driving forces of our economy, starting with agri-food and tourism. It could be a first decisive step towards equality, in every respect.” The work was coordinated by Giuseppe Anzalone, member of the provincial secretariat.


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