Torre del Greco, European elections and fundraising for Telethon: the double commitment of Fratelli d’Italia

Torre del Greco, European elections and fundraising for Telethon: the double commitment of Fratelli d’Italia
Torre del Greco, European elections and fundraising for Telethon: the double commitment of Fratelli d’Italia

Torre del Greco, European elections and fundraising for Telethon: the double commitment of Fratelli d’Italia

Torre del Greco can enter the European Parliament from the main door: this is the belief of the local leaders of Fratelli d’Italia, who last night officially launched the electoral campaign for the elections of 8 and 9 June with a participatory initiative in the city headquarters of via Circumvallazione.

A moment to gather members and supporters, but also to promote a solidarity initiative linked to the Telethon fundraiser promoted by the project volunteers led by Maria Orlando.

The occasion revolved around the presence of two candidates from Campania from the list presented in recent weeks by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for the south: the former mayor of Pagani, former councilor and provincial councilor of Salerno and twice regional councilor Alberico Gambino and the entrepreneur from Terzigno Antonio Ambrosio.

The coordinator of the Golden Mile for Fdi, Salvatore Quirino, opened the proceedings. “Europe is an opportunity for our territories – his words – but it is even more so if we are represented by representatives who manage to intercept and act as spokespersons for the needs of our areas. There is a lot of funding that has often reached our region, but the report of how much we have not been able to spend is depressing. We are convinced that with our direct representatives in Strasbourg, we will be able to bring about a decisive reversal of the trend.”

Alberico Gambino echoed him: “It’s not the first time I’ve submitted to an election. I did it in my territory, in Pagani, where I resigned as an opposition councilor because I realized I couldn’t influence the fate of the city. Then when I was elected mayor, I was able to realize what I said from the opposition benches. All this means that you will always find me ready to respond to your requests, because I am applying to do things and not to waste time.”

“I don’t have political experience like Gambino – added Antonio Ambrosio – but for me it speaks to the entrepreneurial history of a family which, in this respect, is in its third generation. I accepted the challenge requested by Prime Minister Meloni because I am convinced that the good government model promoted in Italy in recent years can be replicated in Europe.” Before the conclusions of the city coordinator Luca Alini, the president of the Vesuvian Villas foundation, Gennaro Miranda, wanted to bear his testimony on the good practices adopted at the helm of the institution: “Which have allowed us to double the events, quintuple the tourist presence taken our sites and triple the turnover linked to our own revenue”.

Luigi Scarfogliero, deputy city coordinator, finally said he was “happy to have recovered the centrality of our headquarters, which risked being closed. We are used to rising from the ashes and we are certain that we will do so with an excellent result in the next European elections.”

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