Umbria Foundation for the prevention of wear and tear, active initiatives for those in difficulty

Umbria Foundation for the prevention of wear and tear, active initiatives for those in difficulty
Umbria Foundation for the prevention of wear and tear, active initiatives for those in difficulty

Also for the year 2024, the Umbria Prevention of Usury Foundation, in full agreement and with the support of the Region of Umbria, is carrying out important initiatives: 2024 Housing Plan, Protection of the Over-indebted, Financial Education.

House Plan 2024

The experience gained with the Bonus Bills 2022 and Caro Vita 2023 projects has suggested intervening in support of Umbrian families with regard to housing expenses.

In fact, the vast majority of needs and requests for assistance that arrive at the Foundation concern the home (IMU, TARI, condominium, mortgage, rental, household utilities, expenses for small repairs…). The project will make use of the extraordinary contribution of the Umbria Region of €50,000.00 and

that of the Council of the Foundations of the Savings Banks of Umbria which, again this year, generously wanted to contribute €70,000.00. A total budget, therefore, of €120,000.00, with an allocable contribution for each application of €1,500.00 under the conditions specified in the notice.

Protection of the over-indebted

With regional law n. 18/2021, the Region of Umbria had already entrusted the Umbria Prevention of Usury Foundation with the management of the funds allocated to facilitate access to the procedures provided for by the Code of Business Crisis and Over-indebtedness. Therefore, in the year 2023, the Umbria Prevenzione Usura Foundation had developed and launched the Protection of the over-indebted project, managing an available fund of €40,000.00. With the subsequent regional law n. 17/2023 and the signing of the new Agreement, this collaboration has been strengthened, allowing the Foundation to provide a non-repayable contribution for 2024, up to a maximum of €5,000.00, to cover the costs of starting the procedure, sometimes prohibitive for those who are already in a situation of over-indebtedness.

Financial Education

The project, structured in collaboration with the Region of Umbria and with the Regional School Office, includes a program of meetings with students of the upper classes of the schools of Umbria to spread principles of financial education and savings to children, with the participation of experts from the institutions, in the awareness that young people are also the best vehicle of education for parents.

Cardella’s satisfaction

The President of the Umbria Prevention Usury Foundation, Fausto Cardella, expresses great satisfaction with the launch of these projects: “Our Region is prosperous and solid and yet an economic crisis can affect anyone. The people who turn to the Foundation give us the exact measure of the problems and needs of Umbrian families. A real estate foreclosure that affects the house where you live with your family, your children, the fear of no longer having a roof over your head are a source of anguish and situations that you can hardly face alone. “Housing plan” and “Protection of the over-indebted”, but also “Financial education”, are projects that seem different but, in reality, go in the same direction, that of trying to safeguard the primary asset of the house, also helping those who find themselves in condition of over-indebtedness. I therefore thank the Region of Umbria and the Council of the Foundations of the Savings Banks of Umbria, without whose convinced and timely support nothing would have been possible. Finally, I thank the staff of the Umbria Prevenzione Usura Foundation, from the Board of Directors, to the Auditors, to the Staff and to the Volunteer Experts, who have carried out and continue to carry out extraordinary work on a daily basis in favor of those in need.“.

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