the Bat Province finds a solution –

The update of the hearings requested by councilors Grazia Di Bari and Filippo Caracciolo on the works of the SP2 and direct access to the hamlet of Montegrosso was held today in the fifth commission.

«The president of the Province Bat Lodispoto – explains the M5S councilor Grazia Di Bari – has given important news: the definitive project proposal is that of the construction of a roundabout, once the classification of the road has changed from B to C with an expert opinion of variant proposed by the Province, and until the completion of this definitive roundabout, the temporary one will remain to guarantee continuity in access to Montegrosso.

The completion of the works is expected in a maximum of 180 days. Tomorrow the Province will revoke the order to eliminate the temporary roundabout and, in this transition phase, the maximum collaboration of all the bodies involved has been requested.

Compared to the last session of the Commission and the meetings held in the Prefecture, today we have provided further clarity both on the definitive solution and on the timing. We are asking companies and residents to make a further sacrifice, given the inconveniences inevitably linked to the works, and we do not want them to be further mortified, given all the sacrifices already made.

I hope that the deadlines given are respected. At this point, I believe that a further update from the commission is essential as soon as the variant appraisal is approved, so as to be able to follow the progress of the works together with all those involved and monitor the actual times. We won’t stop until we get the final result.”

«Until the completion of this work which will be carried out by the Bat province with a cost of 800 thousand euros – continues regional councilor Filippo Caracciolo – the temporary roundabout will be maintained. Tomorrow the province will revoke the order to remove it, thus starting a completely new phase that will lead us to the definitive solution to the problem.

Especially in this transitional phase which involves the presence of the temporary roundabout, we ask all those involved for maximum collaboration and patience in dealing with inconveniences which we will try to reduce as much as possible by shortening the expected timescale with the commitment of the interested parties. The Police Headquarters has already communicated the possibility of making police forces available to monitor the safety of the junction and, again with a view to greater safety, residents are asked to make electricity available to illuminate the road in the best possible way.

The solution illustrated in the commission is the conclusion of a virtuous path of institutional collaboration culminating with a clear and effective proposal from the Bat province, which I particularly thank for its commitment. After having provided residents and economic operators with the concrete answers they expected, my commitment – concludes Caracciolo – will be to ensure that the deadlines are actually respected”.

Wednesday 15 May 2024


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