CR Carpi Foundation, 160 thousand euros for over 120 super students and teachers

The delivery of the best degree theses to Giacomo Preti and Lorenzo Morelli

A great party dedicated to many super students, graduates and graduates in the area. 160 thousand euros distributed, school averages over 9 combined with a particular talent in the English language for students, showers of praise for diploma holders and graduates, academic studies with innovative methodologies in the therapies of Parkinson’s, epilepsy and motor disorders or with concrete contributions in the valorisation of local agri-food excellence. These are just some of the many peculiarities of the 2024 edition of the Education Awards established by CR Carpi Foundation to recognize the merit and talent of young people in the area who stand out and excel in their educational path.

From this year the spotlight has also turned on teachers who, as the president of the CR Carpi Foundation explained at the beginning of the evening Mario Ascari, “are crucial in the educational path of young people”. To enhance the projects of the educational institutions in the area, the Board of Directors of the institution has developed a new award to bring out the best teaching ideas expressed by teachers “with the aim – continued President Ascari – of contributing to highlighting the activity and commitment of the relevant school community, enhancing both the work of the teachers and the commitment of the student communities involved”.

During the gala evening, the middle school students who won a trip to an English summer camp, the high school graduates who each received prizes of 800 euros, the three-year graduates and the master’s graduates who received awards took turns on stage. of 1,000 euros, and single-cycle graduates who received trophies of 2,000 euros. The teaching ideas received 5 thousand euros (one thousand for the teacher or the team of teachers and 4 thousand destined for the school to which they belong to support and enhance their teaching activities). To these were added the special motions for projects distinguished for their particular merits of innovation and quality. The prizes were awarded by the governance of the CR Carpi Foundation, by the members of the judging commissions, by the education councilors of the municipalities of Carpi and Soliera, Davide Dalle Ave And Cristina Zambelliby the mayor Novi of Modena, Enrico Diacciby the vicar general of the Diocese of Carpi, Monsignor Gildo Manicardiby the president of Confindustria Emilia, Valter Caiumi and by the president of the Modena Chamber of Commerce Giuseppe Molinari. All of them, greeting the many talented young people, underlined: “we need you”.

During the ceremony, President Ascari highlighted how the CR Carpi Foundation wants to “be alongside young people and teachers to recognize their commitment, merit and ability. Knowledge and competence are fundamental to be able to compete on a professional level but also as a territory and as an entire community, therefore, investing in training is a mission for the Foundation”. An attention to schools that leads the Foundation’s action to support many activities, from teaching to the strengthening of laboratory structures, from school gyms to scientific festivals as well as having contributed to making Carpi a university territory, financing and supporting the activities of the Tecnopolo , a university teaching and research centre, a place of technological transfer to the productive fabric and cultural diffusion to the territory, so much so that the resources made available for the training sector amount to 1 million 400 thousand euros this year. Finally, Ascari concluded by underlining how it is “important to work as a team to retain the many excellent products of the area and give them a reason to stay so as not to let them escape abroad”.

During the ceremony, the best degree theses obtained at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia by students residing in the municipalities in which the Foundation operates were also awarded: prizes worth 2,500 euros each which, this year, went , for the scientific-technological area to the doctor Lorenzo Morelli for academic study in chemical sciences entitled Characterization of the aromatic profile of vinegars by gas chromatography and isotopic mass spectrometry supported by multivariate data analysis, while the medical-biological area saw Dr. establish himself Giacomo Preti for the essay A full-scale point-neuron network of the CA3 area of ​​the mouse hippocampus modeled with a realistic morpho-anatomical connection strategy.

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