Sexual violence, a teacher in Catanzaro ends up under house arrest

Sexual violence, a teacher in Catanzaro ends up under house arrest
Sexual violence, a teacher in Catanzaro ends up under house arrest

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the case

The case was allegedly reported by two high school students who were groped and molested

Published on: 05/15/2024 – 18:24

A new alleged case of sexual violence against minors breaks out in Catanzaro. The one who ends up in the crosshairs of the investigations of the capital’s prosecutor’s office is a 55-year-old high school teacher who – according to initial information – repeatedly groped and molested two female students.
The two young people – according to what emerged – decided to tell everything to the head teacher. Hence the complaint and the file opened by the Catanzaro Prosecutor’s Office which requested and obtained house arrest on charges of aggravated sexual assault.


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