Commerce in Sicily, 2,873 shops closed in three years: 864 in the first 4 months of 2024

Commerce in Sicily, 2,873 shops closed in three years: 864 in the first 4 months of 2024
Commerce in Sicily, 2,873 shops closed in three years: 864 in the first 4 months of 2024

«Even in Sicily and Palermo trade suffers more than other sectors». The worrying picture emerges from the assessment drawn up by Confimprese Italia on the performance of the economy. The study showed that from December 2021 to today, companies operating in Italy have decreased by 75,015 units and of these by as many as 7,800 in the first four months of 2024.

«And in Sicily the situation is no less dramatic – underlines Giovanni Felice, coordinator of Confimprese Sicilia -: in the last three years 1,581 companies have disappeared and it is very worrying that 1,067 of these closed their doors in the first four months of 2024 A positive note – he continues -, and in contrast, comes from the province of Palermo where the current balance, compared to December 2019, is positive even if only for 16 units and it should be noted that as of 31 December 2023 the positive balance was much more significant. as it was positive for 1324 units. Phenomenon due to the exploits of the construction industry and due to the incentives linked to the Superbonus.”

This, however, is not enough. «Even in Sicily and Palermo, trade suffers more than other sectors – continues Felice – in fact there are 2873 fewer commercial companies at a regional level with a negative balance of 864 in 2024». A framework which for the coordinator is not at all facilitated «by the latest regulatory interventions voted on by the ARS and by the policies implemented by the competent Department, as they are aimed at favoring more structured companies and large-scale distribution. Even in terms of incentives – he continues – and support, small businesses both in fixed locations and in public areas are penalized, not to mention completely excluded from the prospects of relaunching”.

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