The journalist Luigi Bardelli, founder of Tvl Pistoia and national president of Corallo, has died

The journalist Luigi Bardelli, founder of Tvl Pistoia and national president of Corallo, has died
The journalist Luigi Bardelli, founder of Tvl Pistoia and national president of Corallo, has died

Mourning in the world of journalism and third sector associations: Luigi Bardelli died in Pistoia, founder and director of Tvl Pistoia and national president of Corallo, the association that brings together Catholic radio and television broadcasters and which adheres to Aeranti-Corallo of which Bardelli has so far been a member of the executive committee.

Born in 1936 in Pistoia, graduated in pedagogy, in his youth Bardelli was characterized by his educational commitment in the ranks of the Catholic Youth diocesan of which he became president. He was later appointed regional delegate of Tuscany of Catholic Youth.

Director and founder of various newspapers, at the end of the 60s he was first involved in the activity of Film club of which he became national vice president, and then dedicated himself to the experience of world of disability with the presidency of the Aias section of Pistoia and then of Maria Assunta in Cielo Foundation (Maic), which assists disabled people with many operators specialized in the various rehabilitation sectors.

In the mid-1970s he founded and directed TV Libera Pistoia precisely for “giving the last word”a broadcaster with almost regional coverage which soon became one of the most qualified in Tuscany. In 2000 he was president of Cerc – Conférence Européenne des Radios Chrétiennes, which associates the Christian Radios of 18 countries of the European Community.

The president of the Corallo radio and TV circuit leaves behind his wife Franca, his children Maria Chiara, Giovanni and Paola and his grandchildren. The body is exhibited at the church of the Maria Assunta in Cielo Foundationin via San Biagio in Pistoia. The funeral is scheduled for Monday 13 May, at 3 pm in the church of San Francesco in Pistoia, in Piazza San Francesco.

The condolences of all the institutions of Tuscany

“A moving thought to a great and beautiful personality attentive to the fragile but also modern and innovative in the field of information and communication”. So with a note the president of the Tuscany Region recalled the journalist Luigi Bardelli who died last night. The president remembers Bardelli “as a pillar of the Pistoia and Tuscan community, a man guided by a profound Christian faith that permeated his every action, embodying the values ​​of peace and solidarity. A commitment that was not limited to the sphere of communication but which concretely contributed to creating cutting-edge structures for the assistance and rehabilitation of hundreds of disabled people”. Giani also underlines “how Luigi Bardelli’s contribution has made Pistoia and the whole of Tuscany a better, more inclusive and supportive place”, “that his example can continue to inspire the search for a more just and fraternal world”. Giani, also on behalf of the entire regional council, “embraces his family members and his collaborators with the hope and certainty that they will be able to continue on the path he has traced”.

“Deep condolences for the death of Luigi Bardelli” was also expressed byregional councilor for information systems, local authorities, safety and legalitywho recalled him in a note “as a just man, inspired by a profound Christian faith, which accompanied him throughout his life and in all his actions”. “A faith that had led him to actively dedicate himself to the benefit of disadvantaged people and which coexisted with the pioneering and innovative spirit that had pushed him to found, in the mid-1970s, one of the first private broadcasters in Italy. A TV that has grown over time, contributing to giving voice to the poor and the territories, as well as enriching the information panorama of its city and the whole of Tuscany”.

Luigi Bardelli was “a consistent Catholic, his sincere faith has always inspired his actions and many works: his work as a journalist, the foundation of TVL Pistoia, but above all his heartfelt service for the most fragile people, the sick, the disabled and their families. His testimony of faith, his skills as a good communicator, and his commitment to social issues have left many signs which I am sure will inspire and guide those who will take up his legacy in various fields” he has declared Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, joining”to the prayer and memory of the bishop and the diocese of Pistoia for the passing of Luigi Bardelli”, journalist and promoter of social actions in the third sector who died last night. “The long acquaintance and collaboration with Bardelli – recalls Betori – date back to the times of my role in CEI”.

Luigi Bardelli

Unanimous condolences for the passing of Luigi Bardelli. The president of the former banking foundation Caript, Lorenzo Zogheri, remembers him for his closeness to the weakest. “Our community owes Luigi the breaking down of many barriers and the opening of doors which, without him, would have remained barred, continuing, as had always happened before, to keep the most fragile people segregated out of shame. Since, many years ago, for the first time in Italy, he took disabled children and their families on a summer holiday at the seaside, until today, with Pistoia which can boast a center of excellence at national level for rehabilitation and a television among the first in Tuscany, the list of works of which he was the creator is long”.

For Daniele Matteini, president of Confindustria Toscana Nord, “with Luigi Bardelli another great protagonist of city life and beyond disappears; indeed, speaking of the director of TVL, it is more correct to define him as an active witness of what, from the 70s onwards, happened in Pistoia. Always close to our organization, and linked by relationships of fraternal friendship with many of our association leaders, he never discounted us where he believed there was news to be reported or an episode to be narrated, seeking in-depth information according to his belief as an impartial and correct journalist. His Canto al Balì (his broadcast on TVL, ed.), in which we participated many times, were an opportunity for comparison between the different souls of Pistoia, which he knew how to mix with a calm but at the same time determined style”.

The president of Anpi Pistoia, Rosalba Bonacchi remembers him as a representative in the city “of the social Christianity of Giorgio La Pira and among the promoters, in the midst of the Cold War, of the political dialogue between the Conciliar Catholic world and the local left”.

Condolence for Bardelli’s death was also expressed byOrder of Doctors of Pistoia with president Beppino Montalti who recalls in a note that he “shared the experience at the Maic Foundation over the years”, Bardelli “has been a protagonist and innovator in giving concrete support and full participation in social life to the Foundation’s guests and their families, bringing to Pistoia new projects for rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities, in the spirit of subsidiarity and following the results of research and innovation in the field of rehabilitation”. Montalti “with pain and deep condolences” addresses “condolences to Luigi’s family and to all the collaborators who contributed with him to carrying out the projects which are still an example for our territory today”.

Confcommercio Pistoia remembers Bardelli with the director Tiziano Tempestini: “A figure who has characterized city life for over half a century with his commitment is passing away. A reference that we will miss greatly.” “Bardelli – adds the president of Confcommercio, Gianluca Spampani – has always understood how much trade was the driving force of the city and, for this reason, he has always taken action to keep a discussion open, to find new solutions that support the work of the sector”.

“His extraordinary contributions to the area will remain a beacon of inspiration for us all,” states the president of the Pistoia Nursery District, Professor Francesco Ferrini,Our deepest condolences go to his family and those who were fortunate enough to know him. His legacy will live on forever in all who knew his commitment and generosity.”

“Great communicator of the excellence of the territory, always ready to encourage dialogue and reason. And above all, a man who knew how to live alongside those who didn’t have much in life, helping them find a smile. In short, a great Pistoia native!”: this is how they remember Bardelli the president of Confagricoltura Pistoia Luca Magazzini expressing his personal condolences and that of the entire structure of Confagricoltura Pistoia.

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