Comix Teramo 2024. President Mastrilli apologizes to Pescara. Who apologizes to Carmine Di Giandomenico?

Comix Teramo 2024. President Mastrilli apologizes to Pescara. Who apologizes to Carmine Di Giandomenico?
Comix Teramo 2024. President Mastrilli apologizes to Pescara. Who apologizes to Carmine Di Giandomenico?

The Principle.

The International School of Comics Pescara writes in a statement “

The International School of Comics will not participate in the 2024 edition of Teramo Comix. The new artistic direction of the fair has in fact informed us that the necessary conditions for our presence do not exist. For years we have contributed to the development of Teramo Comix with meetings and activities, strengthening a significant collaboration with the organizers over time. This year, despite our efforts and numerous attempts to contact us via telephone, messages and emails, we were unable to speak to the organizers for some time. Only after many attempts did they inform us via email of the need to contact the “new artistic direction” to obtain “confirmation of our participation”, an unusual procedure considering our long history of collaboration and the appointment made last year with the organizers for this new edition. However, we followed the instructions received and were told that there were no more spaces available in the entire fair. Although the situation seemed paradoxical to us and despite the (documentable) efforts made to get in touch with the organization, we explained our flexibility and willingness to make any type of compromise in order to be present. Unfortunately we no longer received any replies to our last communication, only being able to note a clear disinterest in our inclusion. We hope that, in the future, the Teramo Comix organization can adopt a more professional and inclusive approach towards all the entities that carry out their work with commitment and dedication.

To conclude this note, we would like to formalize, as of now, our desire to participate in next year’s edition, in the hope of being able to contribute to the success of Teramo Comix 2025 by bringing, as always, authors, designers and free workshops, to celebrate creativity and the comics community together.

The Management of the International School of Comics, Pescara branch.”

The President Altrimondi Teramo, Marco Mastrilli, responds ”

Marco Mastrilli, President of the Altrimondi association of Teramo hereby assumes full responsibility for the communication mix-up that occurred with the International School of Comics of Pescara with which we have been collaborating for years now.

For the world of Comix, realities like that of the International School are fundamental for creating synergies and symbiosis that enhance the art of comics and our territory.

We conclude by saying that the friends of the International School of Comics of Pescara will already have a stand reserved for the next edition of Teramo Comix.

Marco Mastrilli, President of the Altrimondi Association of Teramo”

Everything is fine and we are happy. When a man in the world admits a mistake we are all better. My friend Marco is capable of taking responsibility. Now someone among the immense talents who manage Teramo Comix should explain to us why there is no longer Carmine Di Giandomenico, Teramano and among the best cartoonists in the world. Why does Teramo always manage to hurt itself and not reward its immense talents?

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