Cirielli in Avellino, Iandoli in Rome: «Fd’I is united. We will argue with those who are center-right in the runoff”

Cirielli in Avellino, Iandoli in Rome: «Fd’I is united. We will argue with those who are center-right in the runoff”
Cirielli in Avellino, Iandoli in Rome: «Fd’I is united. We will argue with those who are center-right in the runoff”

Brothers of Italy on one side with its symbol, the civic spirit of the area on the other. Modestino Iandoli And Rino Genovese, barring unforeseeable second thoughts, they will be the mayoral candidates of the centre-right divided in Avellino. Third on the list, the former councilor Gennaro Romei with the UDC.

This is what emerges from this afternoon’s meeting in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, with the references of the local flame present to inaugurate the new city headquarters of the provincial coordination (corner of via Iannaccone). On Saturday morning, by 12, the final delivery of the lists at the Palazzo di città.

The president welcomed the leaders and militants Ines Fruncillocandidate for the European elections as well as the Honourable Alberico Gambinothe Irpinia deputy Gianfranco Rotondi and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Edmondo Cirielli.

Modestino Iandolicandidate for mayor in pectore for the patriots, initially scheduled among the interventions, was engaged in Rome for a direct interview with Giorgia Meloni. From which the peremptory confirmation of the solo race would come.

«There is no other symbol for which we are happy to be united – he explains to reporters Cirielli -. If Forza Italia and Lega present their symbols and come with us, we would be very happy to do so. We had given maximum availability, but unfortunately they decided differently.”

In the small and crowded room, also the former city coordinator of the Forzisti Annamaria Vecchione who resigned this week in dissent with Genovese’s choice to run without symbols, now officially welcomed into the ranks of Fd’I.

«It doesn’t seem to me that the center-right governed in Avellino, so it’s a bit difficult to lose what you don’t have. But I believe that there will definitely be a second round and maybe afterwards we’ll see who will represent the centre-right, provided that whoever gets to the second round clearly says that they are centre-right. I believe that we have a duty to speak clearly with citizens, alliances must be made before and not after. In the future ballot, Fratelli d’Italia, if it turns out as we imagine in the second round, will ask for an alliance with those who claim to be centre-right and in any case we would be ready to support another candidate for mayor who makes the same declaration”.

Cirielli again: «If the other centre-right parties intend to present themselves with their symbols without having mystifications in front of the voters, clearly Fratelli d’Italia, in a provincial capital, is willing to evaluate everything. We’ve actually been saying this for months. Thanks to Ines Frucillo who had great patience to keep the meetings endless and always postponed in the end. I believe that at a certain point we have the duty to speak above all to the voters, to the programs and projects of the cities. I believe these alchemies are outdated. There is also the issue of Europe which sometimes influences the smaller parties who are legitimately looking for consensus and perhaps focus on that. Fd’I is lucky enough to have Giorgio Meloni as leader and therefore the wind in its sails. He doesn’t need shortcuts and can concentrate clearly. We are taking their difficulties into account, there is always time” concludes Cirielli.

For now, remember RoundIn any case, there is really no margin for unity. «In politics, hours are always important. I am a parliamentarian, I am not a leader of the centre-right parties, comments Rotondi, but having been voted for by all of them, I did everything possible to keep them together. I haven’t succeeded, no one has succeeded so far, the light of providence exists. I say that it is a mistake to separate, but it could also be a resource, because in politics you always have to talk later.” And he explains: «The broad field in the political elections in this city had 60% of the votes, adding those of my two competitors (Petracca and Gubitosa ed.), so he should win in the first round. In some respects the fact that there are so many candidates makes it more difficult to achieve this objective, so it may also be that the error is more successful than the clear strategy. I say that, jokes aside, all the steps have been taken and we need to make this plurality a resource, but it’s not a drama if in a city the center-right is divided, then if peace breaks out at the last minute we’re all happy ». But he warns: «The time for appeals has passed. But first of all we must be at the ballot.”

The regional councilor also appears Livio Petitto, former supporter of the outgoing administration: «We are at the end of the race, ready for the starting blocks of this new Genoese adventure – reiterates the leader of the Moderates and Reformists – many of us have said yes, respecting the wishes of the other parties. However, we are hopeful for a dialogue between all the actors of the coalition in the interest of the city. Genovese can bring serenity back to the city, no small merit in light of the experiences of the past in the centre-right house, which have always failed.”

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