Cerignola, the pedestrianization project for the central part of the city street was presented

Cerignola, the pedestrianization project for the central part of the city street was presented
Cerignola, the pedestrianization project for the central part of the city street was presented

The municipal administration aims to realize the pedestrianization of the central part of the city street, in the stretch that goes from Viale Giuseppe Di Vittorio to the former Tommaso Russo hospital, and yesterday afternoon, in the conference room of the Municipality, the meeting was held to present the pedestrianization project to the traders in the area.

The initiative organized by the councilor for Productive Activities Sergio Cialdella, in concert with the mayor Francesco Bonito who attended the meeting, was attended by numerous representatives of the newly formed “Associazione Mercianti Cerignola APS” and a large representation of owners of the centre’s activities. This is the first concrete step taken by the municipal administration to relaunch local commerce, which has been in crisis for some time, and counteract the worrying desertification of the areas with the greatest commercial vocation, including the city centre. The project involves the return of a large area of ​​the city to families, effectively transforming it into the beating heart of the city.

The spaces that will be closed to vehicular traffic (cars, mopeds, electric and pedal bicycles) will become a real green island in which to enjoy hours of tranquility between shopping and leisure. Well-kept and expertly chosen street furniture will play a fundamental role in enriching them and making them even more usable and welcoming. Benches, flower boxes, children’s games and dehors will be just some of the elements that will contribute to creating a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.

“Pedestrianization – declared councilor Cialdella – it is an opportunity to project the heart of city life into a new phase, more sustainable, beautiful and lively, basing it on creativity and entrepreneurship. The objective is to transform our course into an attractive place for both residents and tourists, encouraging the development of new commercial and artisan activities. Administration – added the councilor – is committed to supporting merchants in this process of change. In addition to pedestrianization, we are working on a series of support measures, including tax relief and structural incentives for the creation of new realities. In this regard, important funding is arriving from the PN Metro Plus, with which we will be able to implement the ‘Common Incubator’ project: a true business accelerator for the city’s commercial fabric. I would add that, in addition to the new projects arriving to support the growth and innovation of our companies, the call for Donato Monopoli start-ups is still open. I remember that the call for tenders has been extended to May 24th to give as many companies as possible the opportunity to seize this important opportunity. Furthermore, in order to broaden the scope and include an even greater number of potential beneficiaries, we have decided to extend the possibility of participation also to limited liability companies (Srls)”.

“Our aim – concluded Mayor Bonito – is to discourage the use of cars and encourage new mobility, to safeguard the environment and the decorum of the city. We believe that pedestrianization is a fundamental piece for building a more livable and attractive Cerignola.”

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