Presentation at the Turin Book Fair. Alexandria today

Presentation at the Turin Book Fair. Alexandria today
Presentation at the Turin Book Fair. Alexandria today

The XXXVI edition of the Turin Book Fair, which this year will take place from 9 to 13 May at the Lingotto, will have as its theme “Living by IMAGINATION”. One of the most anticipated events will be the presentation of the book “The Church and the Plain, History of San Michele”, which will be held on Friday 10 May at 12 at the ECHOS publishers stand (stand number 73 in pavilion 3).

The authors of the book, Monsignor Ivo Piccinini, Piercarlo Fabbio and Natalino Ferrari, will be present to discuss the new discoveries and historical insights that have characterized this latest literary effort. The volume stands out for its detailed and documented approach to the history of San Michele, an area that has seen an extraordinary transformation over the years. The unpublished documents and new testimonies that were analyzed by the authors shed new light on significant historical events that shaped the social and cultural life of the suburb.

Marco Margrita, editorial director of ECHOS, will host the event, ensuring a rich and informative debate. The presentation will offer the audience not only an overview of the book’s content, but also reflections on how local history can influence and inspire contemporary communities.

This event is unmissable for history buffs, book lovers and anyone interested in discovering how the past can continue to live on and influence the present through research and storytelling. The presence of the authors adds invaluable value to the event, offering the opportunity to interact directly with those who have written and studied these themes in depth.

We look forward to seeing you at this presentation to explore together the rich history of San Michele and to celebrate the power of imagination and historical narrative at the Turin Book Fair.

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