In Piedmont there are over 200 thousand people who suffer from eating disorders

In Piedmont there are over 200 thousand people who suffer from eating disorders
In Piedmont there are over 200 thousand people who suffer from eating disorders

SUNRISE – Emerging pathologies, increasingly widespread and which must not only be treated, but prevented as much as possible, also through a better communication and information approach

Italy faces a growing challenge related to nutrition-related mental health and psychological well-being. Eating disorders, such as nervosa, nervosa and binge eating disorder can affect individuals of any age, gender or social background.

It is estimated that in Italy, approximately 3% of women and 0.5% of men suffer from anorexia nervosa, while bulimia nervosa affects approximately 1% of women and 0.1% of men. Binge eating disorder, however, appears to be even more widespread, with an estimated prevalence of around 5-8% of the population.

In Piedmont it is estimated that over 200 thousand people suffer from eating disorders. Net of the so-called hidden economy, every year in our region 260 new cases of anorexia and 450 of bulimia are diagnosed on average.

Everyone is called to do their part to contribute to early identification and timely and integrated multi-professional intervention, oriented to the person in relation to the stage of development and living environment, with the involvement of families.
I am therefore pleased that today the professionals who contribute to tackling the many aspects linked to food-related pathologies are gathered here.

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