Cagliari weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 8 May

Wednesday 8 May at Cagliari Variable weather conditions are expected, with overcast skies and possible precipitation during the day. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​between +12°C and +19.6°C. The wind will blow mainly from the North – North West, with an intensity varying between 7.7km/h and 32km/h. The relative humidity of the air will be quite high, around 70-80%.

In the early hours of the morning, starting at 00:00 and until 05:00, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover that will vary between 98% and 99%. Temperatures will remain around +12°C, with winds coming from the North – North West with gusts of up to 32km/h.

During the morning, give 06:00 at 12:00 pm, the sky will remain 100% overcast, with temperatures rising to +19.6°C. The wind will still come from the North – North West, with an intensity between 0.9km/h and 22.2km/h.

In the afternoon, come on 1:00 pm at 5pm, precipitation in the form of light rain is expected, with intensity varying between 0.15mm and 0.43mm. Temperatures will remain around +18°C, with winds rotating towards the South – South East.

In the evening, come on 6pm at 11pm, the sky will again be 100% overcast, with temperatures dropping to +13.8°C. The wind will be predominantly from the North – North West, with intensity that will gradually decrease.

Based on the current weather forecast, it is advisable to pay attention to possible precipitation during the day. For the next few days a Cagliarian improvement in weather conditions is expected, with partly cloudy skies and slightly rising temperatures.

All the weather data for Wednesday 8 May in Cagliari

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