Calice Tomorrow presents the list, Sensoni proposes a Pro loco and promises commitment on roads

Calice Tomorrow presents the list, Sensoni proposes a Pro loco and promises commitment on roads
Calice Tomorrow presents the list, Sensoni proposes a Pro loco and promises commitment on roads

The “Calice Domani – Tomorrow is now!” list, with mayoral candidate Roberto Sensoni, officially presented its members at the “Al Cornoviglio” restaurant, in the Villagrossa area.

Despite the challenges represented by the recent landslide event, the large participation of the local inhabitants testifies to the keen interest and importance of local issues. The coordinator of the UDC, Francesco Ponzanelli, opened the evening by underlining the exceptional nature of the presence of the Honorable Maria Grazia Frijia, highlighting the strong commitment to the creation of an alternative list, composed of individuals trained and dedicated to serving the community.

Roberto Sensoni, candidate for mayor of Calice, underlined the importance of political-economic collaboration in finding the funds necessary for the relaunch of the country, with particular attention to the critical issues regarding public safety and health. He proposed the establishment of a Pro loco to promote the area and attract new visitors, underlining the need to be able to access the available funds.

Sensoni promoted the initiative to deal with the current emergency by sending three PECs to the institutions, the police forces and the government, for the traffic emergency: asking for the restoration of the Santa Maria – Alpicella – Bruscarolo route passing through the pine forest, which would open a passage for semi-isolated citizens. He also asked for a permanent ambulance and police station in the former building that housed the police barracks. Finally, he proposed the request for free tickets from the Aulla-La Spezia and Brugnato-La Spezia motorway toll booths.

The candidates

Roberto Sensoni, UDC

Alessandra Cacciavillani, Fdi

Francesca Cerchi, Fi

Maggiari Gianluca, UDC

Viviana Mauramati

Enzo Giacopinelli

Carlo Rossi

Cristina Vincenzi

Paola Rapallini
Jessica Morales

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