Metropolitan Bologna – Sustainability and quality of work in fashion, the regional contribution to the metropolitan city to enhance the production chain of the fashion companies of Centergross

A series of workshops, meetings, seminars and visits aimed at 490 companies is underway, with the support of Clust-ER Create and the Democenter – Sipe Foundation

A journey aimed at the 490 fashion companies located at Centergross, made up of meetings and workshops, seminars, visits and discussions, to enhance the production chain in terms of environmental sustainability and quality of work. This is the heart of the project “Sustainability and quality of work in the value chain of fashion companies at Centergross”, of the metropolitan city, with the technical support of Clust-ER Create and Fondazione Democenter – Sipe, first place in the ranking of the regional tender for the support of local laboratories for business innovation and sustainability – two-year period 2024/2025.

The project is part of the activities of Bologna Innovation Square (BIS), the innovation platform of the Joint Office for Economic Development, Business, Employment of the Metropolitan City and the Municipality of Bologna, of which Centergross itself is a supporting partner, and can count on a contribution of 80 thousand euros until 2025. Specifically, it proposes a path to share with the fashion companies located at Centergross the definition of tools and criteria, such as short supply chains, circularity, environmental footprint of the product, evidence of chemical products, social qualification and ethics. These are very current issues already the subject of widespread debate in Europe which will form the basis of future actions such as the Digital Product Passport to trace the sustainable value chain of the fashion sector.

With this initiative the metropolitan city intends to contribute once again, as it has done for several years, to the valorisation of Centergross and its main sector by focusing on the path of innovation, the only way capable of overcoming the challenges on the global market. The project is in fact part of a process started in 2021 on the valorisation of Centergross’s promotional activities as a ready-to-wear fashion district. The process has recently involved some trade associations, the productive world and the Emilia-Romagna Region, leading to a focus on sustainable development and the quality of work.

What is Bologna Innovation Square (BIS)
Bologna Innovation Square (BIS) is the space for discussion and open and voluntary collaboration between businesses, administrations and innovation entities in the metropolitan area. The objective is to develop synergies and shared projects capable of consolidating and strengthening the innovation of the metropolitan economic system, one of the best in Europe for doing business. The BIS platform aims to contribute to making the metropolitan territory one of the most innovative in Italy, facilitating and promoting collaboration between the actors of the territorial system in close synergy with the regional innovation ecosystem. BIS is the declaration of a community of intent between public administration, universities, businesses, research centres, innovation spaces and startups, which use open innovation methodologies to network and carry out activities of common benefit and to the territory.

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