one is missing along the path of the walkways, right where the squatters sell boots

one is missing along the path of the walkways, right where the squatters sell boots
one is missing along the path of the walkways, right where the squatters sell boots

It is one of the last evenings of high water, that of April 22, 2024, to be precise.
The Tide Forecasting and Reporting Center had predicted a peak of high water of 110 centimeters at 10.50 pm, announcing that the Mose system would not be activated.
That evening, it was the lowest parts of the pavement of the historic center of Venice, such as Piazza San Marco, that went under water.
Fortunately, the Veritas operators had prepared the walkway routes, as always, in the areas that would be touched by high water.

Now imagine finding yourself, that evening, crossing Piazza San Marco.
It’s raining, it’s a little windy, there’s no shortage of tourists and with them there are some residents who have to return home.
Thus, from under the Clock Tower, a group of people climb onto the high water walkways and in single file cross Piazza San Marco on the walkways, proceeding up to the Basilica.
There, however, the group suddenly stops in front of an insurmountable obstacle: at a certain point, a walkway is missing.
The path of the tables, immediately after the “empty”, resumes and continues to the end of the Square, as usual. However, precisely at that point, a wooden board, a single walkway, is missing. How to continue? And where will the missing table be? Here it is, it was simply moved and placed on top of the next one, further ahead, thus creating the “hole” in the middle of the path.

On the other hand, in front of that “jump”, too long to cross, the small group in single file is welcomed by four smiling and friendly illegal vendors, who reach out with their hands and offer disposable boots (and also umbrellas) to deal with the problem.
What to do? The choice is to turn around, get off the catwalk and get your feet wet, or buy “disposable boots”.
Needless to say, illegal sellers have done a roaring trade with that “lucky” coincidence, especially with the many tourists who don’t know of alternative routes.

A scene that would also make you smile if that moment of rain and cold had not caused great discomfort to those present who found themselves faced with a real problem given that “unknown hands” had removed that walkway and moved it over the next one.

“Marketing” move or “unfortunate coincidence”?
Among the Venetians present, almost all turned back, then turning towards Bacino Orseolo, Museo Correr and proceeding towards the Procuratie Nuove, bypassing the Square and therefore the high water obstacle.
Someone even smiled at such resourcefulness, in an almost surreal situation, with the cheerful Sinhalese sellers around the “ford” with boots in hand. But most of the reactions instead manifested themselves in indignation and curses due to the surprise.
And someone, the next day, also filed a report to report the incident.

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