Puglia Region, the vote for the motion of no confidence against Emiliano and the subtle balances with M5S and Action

Puglia Region, the vote for the motion of no confidence against Emiliano and the subtle balances with M5S and Action
Puglia Region, the vote for the motion of no confidence against Emiliano and the subtle balances with M5S and Action

It is perhaps the most important week of the Emilian government in Puglia. Tomorrow, in the regional council, the vote on the motion of no confidence presented by the center-right against the president of the region is expected. The 5 Star Movement, decisive together with Azione di Calenda, deployed leader Giuseppe Conte over the weekend to clarify the positions. “The 5 Star Movement will never lend itself to instrumental initiatives of the centre-right”, he reassures, guaranteeing that there will be no last minute trips. Italia Viva announces: “We will vote against Emiliano”. And he invites members of the Pentastellati and Calendians to “stop supporting Emiliano and move to the opposition if you really want to be credible”.
The Action group, which has three councillors, saw Emiliano accept the political conditions established to remain in the majority: rotation of the managers and officials of the Region, including the simultaneous and immediate rotation of
general directors of local health authorities. The Apulian president also opened up to the “legality pact” and the “inspection unit project” advanced by the M5s. And so Conte, from Bari, can extend his hand: “there is a positive response, therefore there are no elements to offer the right to this instrumental action”. The leader ensures an evaluation of “the administrative action at a regional level” and adds: “we are co-responsible, proudly responsible, for many positive projects that we started before leaving our roles in the Region”. The M5s councilor Rosa Barone has indeed left her duties but Conte seems not to want to throw overboard the large field laboratory represented by the Emiliano council. A decision already anticipated by the Apulian 5s and which is not the result of a confrontation between the former prime minister and the dem secretary Elly Schlein. Relations between the two remain frosty. And Conte rather prefers to point the finger at the right, both at a national and local level. The opposition to the Emiliano junta, attacks the M5s leader, “is right not to give lessons to anyone because I could make a list of the mafia political exchange that concerns center-right administrations throughout Italy”. Intervention that stimulates the piqued response of Teresa Bellanova of Iv. “Conte – she says – continues with his ambiguous language, but in reality she wants to continue to support Emiliano”. The group leader in the FdI Chamber, Tommaso Foti, also went on the attack: “the doubt is that when he talks about co-responsibility, Conte is associating himself with the PD-branded power system, consolidated also thanks to the silence of the 5 Star Movement”.

Stefania Losito

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