Administrative Massa the PCI supports Vinciarelli

There are four lists for the next round of administrative elections in Massa.

Massa Marittima: “Fragmentation or natural fermentation of democracy? It’s difficult to answer although what is certain is that there is a lot of barking and more or less fair criticisms are raised between one session and another but when it comes to tightening everyone prefers to navigate in their own backyard. There will be Irene Marconi, candidate of the PD in coalition with the socialists, the Italian left and Action. There will be Sandro Poli supported by Italia Viva, Lega, UdC, Moderati and Forza Italia at provincial level. F will not be missingbrothers of Italy which presents itself with the association of the republicans of Massa with Paolo Mazzocco who claims to be civic but also that the only true centre-right civic list is his.

There is Andrea Vinciarelli with Vivere Massa which enjoys the support of Fiorenzo Borelthere who ran for two terms for mayor of Massa Municipality and ofthe external support of the PCI and most of the members of the Fare association. In recent days the first “poisons” brought out by Poli who feels like the victim of an imaginary conspiracy which as such has never existed and Mazzocco who wants to make the legacy of Massa Comune his own because he is the founder even if in reality his permanence in Massa Comune was limited, way back in 2009, to a few months.

We as PCI have pursued and continue to delude ourselves that convergences must be sought in the territorial context for an alternative project that is based not on the division of seats but deals with the problems and needs of the citizens of Massa and the hamlets but evidently the time is not ripe and the entire community will suffer the consequences.

We believe it is useful to continue the work undertaken for years on healthcare with concrete actions well taken up by Vinciarelli with the proposal of the return to the socio-healthcare district which can be, alongside an action to protect the hospital, another element that brings healthcare back close to local communities. Healthcare is a priority but it is not the only one. We must work and make proposals on economic development, on infrastructures such as the Sarzanese – Valdera, on urban decoration, taking care of ourselves as main actors in the Molendi area which is preparing to celebrate its first jubilee. What do you want to do with Monteregio, with the former agricultural estate, with the civic walls? What do the various political realities present think about it?

There are the issues of extra-urban and urban transport, the former which needs to be reviewed so as not to further isolate Massa, home to hospitals, schools and other important services. The urban area which must be consolidated also from a service perspective linked to tourism. There is the agricultural sector which is marginalized but represents another fundamental element for the local economy. All citizens, from the capital to the hamlets to the countryside, need answers that go beyond the simple Cencelli textbook calculations typical of partition policies or pre-election adjustments with many construction sites and inaugurations that take place in the months before the elections. We should move away from the logic of criticism alone “in the wind” or those of the “Cencelli manual” and move for the common good, leaving aside the vocation to climb for a place and hang a flag.

Our indirect support to Vinciarelli goes in the direction that pushes and believes that if we want to get out of a structural crisis that affects all generations and all sectors of society, we must work together as a community, to overcome those difficulties and make room for the future. We owe it to our children, grandchildren and also to those who preceded us and fought for freedoms and rights and certainly looked far ahead and not at their own backyard but at cultivating wheat to provide that well-being that can feed more and more people”, PCI Massa Marittima ends

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