World Asthma Day, free spirometry tests for children in the Lamezia Terme hospital on Tuesday

World Asthma Day, free spirometry tests for children in the Lamezia Terme hospital on Tuesday
World Asthma Day, free spirometry tests for children in the Lamezia Terme hospital on Tuesday

The Provincial Health Authority of Catanzaro, through the Pneumo-Allergology clinic of the Complex Pediatrics Operating Unit of the “Giovanni Paolo II” Hospital in Lamezia Terme, is among the centers admitted to the initiative, and will offer free spirometries on the day of May 7th from 9am to 5pm, together with informative talks on asthma and pediatric allergology. The activities will be carried out in the new clinics on the third floor, Scala B.

Dedicated signage will be set up for the event, however, to make planning the activities easier it will be possible to book by sending an email to [email protected] subject “World Asthma Day”, indicating the child’s personal data, or by calling 0968208600 (Pediatrics department).

Bronchial asthma is one of the most widespread chronic pathologies in pediatric age. It affects around one in 10 children in Western countries, with significant repercussions in terms of healthcare spending, as well as school and work absences. On the occasion of World Asthma Day 2024, which is celebrated on May 7, 53 Pediatric Pulmonology centers distributed throughout the country will offer free spirometry assessments to children.

The initiative is carried out by SIMRI (Italian Society for Infantile Respiratory Diseases) in collaboration with the Italian Society of Paediatrics, AsmAllergia Bimbi Onlus, Federasma and Allergy Federation of Patients ODV, Let’s Breathe Together, offering an important opportunity for families to delve deeper into knowledge of an increasingly widespread and difficult pathology and to access specialized medical checks for their children, at no cost.

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