Manfredonia, the delay in disinfestation is costly: invasion of fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and flies

Manfredonia, the delay in disinfestation is costly: invasion of fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and flies

Thanks to the anticipated beautiful summer days starting from the first ten days of April, the public green areas, aided by various rainfalls, showed an abundant presence of weeds.

It has always been known that, at the same time as this phenomenon, there is an exponential proliferation of insects of all types that come out of hibernation such as: mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, flies, midges, etc.

A consolidated economic rule states: prevention is better than cure.

I had already highlighted the need to bring forward the disinfestation campaign a few weeks ago, as happened in nearby Cerignola.

Proposal confined to a web article without any practical results. Last night my Lilli, a sweet and well-known dog, risked serious consequences due to flea bites and a tick nestled in her ear.

Another sore point is the lack of a night-time health service for the care of fur babies.

I’ll take care of it, I’ve gained experience by now: I manually remove the flea and tick and administer oral cortisone and skin ointment.

Lilli suffers, cries and wriggles, just long enough for the cortisone to take effect. Since the canine population is significant, there is a real danger that fleas and fleas can be brought into the home, proliferate and represent a serious danger for fur babies but above all for men.

I consult with my vet at 8 in the morning and he replies: Also put a vial behind the neck.

This year the fleas are terrible, better double coverage”. So, evidently, they are so widespread that the simple Seresto anti-parasitic collar is not sufficient.

Having said that, do we want to bring forward, as I requested, twenty days ago the disinfestation of the city with effective chemical treatments or do we instead want to run the risk of the proliferation of insects dangerous for animals and humans?

Just pick up the phone and ask the vets for confirmation, or approach public green areas and then count after a few minutes how many mosquito bites are found on the skin.

It’s not my style to be ironic but I often note that the sobriety of the requests never has any practical effect.

I would like to hope that we will not have to wait until the end of May to carry out the disinfestation, it would be late and could cause serious inconvenience, especially to public health.

Antonio Castriotta

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