The Ramelliana of Cassino, the one “ostracized” in Meloni’s Pescara –

Flags, populism and pure elegy of compactness: if it hadn’t been for a phrase uttered by a mysterious woman from the Martyr City

Giorgia Meloni she’s not filthy rich like Silvio Berlusconi, therefore in Pescara he had to play a hybrid and all in all effective trump. The one for which, in the words of Massimo Giannini, from “very popular leader” he offered a recipe “very populist”. The keystone is only one and it is the one for which Italians have always given we are not interested in voting for who knows more about Europe and who can make it institutionally “drinkable”. No, for Brussels, about which most of us culpably don’t give a damn, Italians have always voted in a charismatic way. Therefore the most technical vote of all is transformed into a satisfaction test of individual leaderships.

Meloni has known all this very well for months and in Pescara she announced that she will be there. As “Giorgia”everyone’s friend, a bit like the forerunner of the mood, that “Silvio” who seemed like the cousin sborone and danareccio of every Italian. Cav’s dream was a wealth within everyone’s reach, Meloni’s is a frankness that she already possesses, and that “brothers” her to everyone. Those who pay the Ater bill, those who don’t pay it, those who have the kitchen and dining room in a single room and who keep the naphthone of family by dint of blasphemies.


Pop tricks in the land of Abruzzo

Giorgia Meloni

The trick is the same populist one as always: bringing the base and tops closer together in such a convincing way that the two seem to mix. Therefore every voter goes to vote as one would go to choose the spending comare at Sidis for the parish sewing course. Meloni’s trump card is therefore that of compactness which has no cracks and which, if it does, does not admit their existence.

That is, at least until a curious Luca Ronconi from Il Foglio wanders into the stands in Pescara and catches a phrase. “I’m from Cassino, a Rampellian. You can understand how ostracized she is”. Stop, we all have our own cracks and pains.

Who would have pronounced – even net of the fiduciary bill that we detach from the notist of Cerasa – something so little symptomatic of the granitic mood that Meloni has created in Pescara?

Abbatecola who was there in Pescara

Angela Abbatecola

There are hypotheses, and only those, let’s be clear, so what follows is stuff that will never end up in journalism manuals. In Cassino who is a woman, a Rampellian and “ostracized” even considering the dynamics of the imminent administrative vote in the shadow of the abbey there is, for example, Angela Abbatecola. Which was there in Pescara. And who in the Martyr City represents that wing of FdI that had to “digest” the stealth tactics of the provincial president Massimo Ruspandini.

Those with which there will be no symbol of the hegemonic party at a national level, but only one detached civility-sparring in favor of the lay and cleric candidate Arturo Buogiovanni at the same time. There is no empirical evidence that she said that phrase, we reiterate. However, without a direct etiological connection, there is the absolute plausibility that, if she had uttered it, she would not have drifted a millimeter from her canonical position. The one for which Abbatecola’s current ideas and positions are known and mainstream.

Ruspandini’s non-univocal line

Riccardo Del Brocco, Roberto Caligiore, Daniele Maura and Massimo Ruspandini

Which are those of someone who has not digested the pikes of her Frusinate handler very well, beyond her next conduct of the ballot box in trying to oust Enzo Salera from Piazza De Gasperi. And Ruspandini, the Ciociaro Mazzarino who chose the crasis instead of the “purity” of the flag for municipal meetings in the province? Abbatecola would have preferred a Party candidate, realpolitik ultimately convinced Ruspandini to converge with the entire center-right on the president of the Movement for Life: less identifying but certainly more appealing in a city permeated by Christian Democracy.

On social media Ruspandini got away with phrases in perfect agreement with the general climate. Official photo with Riccardo del Brocco, Daniele Maura and Roberto Caligiore and post-Ciociaro-Nibelungian ones. “Italy Changes Europe: this is the title of the 2024 Programmatic Conference inaugurated in Pescara and which will continue (it lasted – ed.) for 3 days. Proposals, ideas, programs, culture, this is us, this is Fratelli d’Italia!.

It’s still: “Let’s leave it to others to talk about the world as it was eighty years ago, we are interested in understanding what it will be like in 80 years and trying to improve it…”. Yes, but this time to talk and to do so coming from the second city of the turbulent province that Ruspandini partisanly governs was (would have) been one of “his“.

The differences under the carpet

Fabio Rampelli (Photo: Marco Ponzianelli © Imagoeconomica)

Not a dem angry because Meloni governs the people to the sound of pleasureism blunt, but a pissed off “sister” because that pleasureism and she doesn’t like the general and provincial line of the party. Because it would tend to “ostracize” those who have common origins but different ideas.

Well, the key to the cure lies there, in that “difference” of views that Giorgia Meloni today cannot admit or indulge. For strategic reasons and partly for pure political formation, the one that a month ago had allowed her sister Arianna to plan every ambition of Fabio Rampelli’s “Seagulls” at the Roman Fdi congress.

So go with pop language, like a Sister Peppa clearly anyone who complains of varicose veins and pharmaceutical pantyhose that are too tight. With the “otolith problem that makes me feel like I’m on a roller coaster”. And with a jab at the Aventine Matteo Salvini, present only remotely. And that, always in a joking way but anyway I’ll tell you nice, “he preferred the bridge to us”. Then you go rampant like an underdog with broken nails but still capable of grip, those of those who sweat every day as if he were in Casalotti facing hordes of pushers and squatters.

“Not luck, but obstinacy”

Giorgia Meloni

“Ours wasn’t luck, it was obstinacy. But what we have earned is not something we have acquired forever. We must continue to deserve it.”. And you go on a lie, a blatant lie but tempered by it shining of the boss who really is smart and regardless. And which almost messianically therefore incorporates third defects and amends them.

It was said that Fratelli d’Italia had no ruling class, I think instead, demonstrations like this demonstrate the quality of our ruling class. Here is a splendid response slide to those who say that I am alone and I don’t have capable people around me”. Only Meloni knows what quality has to do with legitimate and laudable presenteeism.

Therefore the party does not need to open up, but to put those who were already there on the front line. And above all those who are reliable. “I am not leader of the Democratic Party and if I run I am sure that the party will give me a hand”. Meloni’s pentagram lexicon also helped her heat the glue with her. “Little by little” Of Rino Gaetano.

“A mano a mano”: pop elegy

“And little by little it melts into tears, that sweet memory faded by time, of when you lived with me in a room, there was no money but a lot of hope…”. Pure pop elegy, the kind that makes you feel like Messi even if you kick the ball behind the churchyard Morterone di Lecco which makes 34 inhabitants.

And that they make you feel so close to Giorgia that calling her by name is just the fratty renewal of a pact. That between a leader so popular that she can allow herself to be more populist than ever. And that she has no gaps in her ranks… except maybe those over there.

Those drawn by the spoken sentence from a woman faithful to the general idea but pissed off with its deviations locals: “I’m from Cassino, a Rampellian. You can understand how ostracized she is”. His phrase is not yet a diagnosis, but it is certainly a symptom. For Cassinate June and Italian September.

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