In Naples the guarantor for disabled people is out of office two months after his appointment

We showed the Fanpage videos on architectural barriers to the disabled person’s ombudsman, but his office has neither a headquarters nor the staff to work.

Frame taken from one of the video reports

Naples it was the first capital city of a region with ordinary statute to identify the figure of guarantor of the rights of people with disabilities. A significant choice, which resulted in the free appointment, which took place last February 29th through a public tender procedure, of Maurizio Bertolottosector expert and former manager in the field of school inclusion policies, communication assistance, specialist assistance and social policies.

It is to your attention that we have decided to submit the denunciation videos, made in recent weeks, on the topic of disability, in which we showed readers the impact of obstacles and architectural barriers present in the city on the lives of people with disabilities: “Unfortunately I don’t discover anything new – explains Bertolotto – Naples is not a city in favor of disabled people, to break down all the architectural barriers of the city we would need a Marshall Plan, another PNRR. However, we should start giving a credible signal to the community, perhaps trying to make it disabled-friendly at least one road for each municipality“.

But even a relatively modest objective like this in Naples can become unattainable and not only due to the delays imposed by the bureaucracy linked to three-year public works planbut due to a rather paradoxical circumstance: two months after his appointment, the guarantor of the rights of people with disabilities He doesn’t have an office yet and not even the staff needed to start working: “This is the sore point of the issue. Considering that I was unable to obtain any dedicated human resources from the Municipality, I got busy and looked elsewhere, so I asked the Metropolitan City for the detachment of one person for only two days a week, but unfortunately the Metropolitan City responded that there is no interest in granting human resources to the office of the disabled person’s ombudsman. For me, this is quite painful.”

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Maurizo Bertolotto, guarantor of the rights of people with disabilities in the municipality of Naples.

One of the first appeals that the guarantor launched to the municipal administration concerned the establishment of the Plan for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers (PEBA)a law dating back to 1986 which is little or not applied at all in the city of Naples (but also in a large part of Italy) and which would oblige the Municipality to eliminate all architectural barriers, under penalty of the entire segment being placed under commissionership: “Unfortunately I found nothing regarding the application of this law among the papers of the municipality of Naples, but net of this and the lack of a headquarters for the office of the guarantor of disabled people, which I hope will be identified as soon as possible, I trust in the political party of this administration which I see is very involved in the issue of disability and I am referring both towelfare councilor Luca Trapaneseboth at president of the Social Policies commission Massimo Cilenti.

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