the Municipality extends the deadline

The deadline for applications to the participatory security project in Udine will be May 31st.

The Municipality of Udine has decided to extend the period for submitting an application participation in the Participatory Security project. The new deadline to apply as observers moves to May 31, 2024.

All citizens and all interested citizens will be able to do so by that date propose yourself as neighborhood representatives by responding to the public notice announced by the local police, satisfying some requirements. The next step will be an interview with the commission composed of the Local Police Commander and a responsible officer responsible for neighborhood matters. THE selected citizens will participate in a training course through who will acquire the skills needed to recognize the situations to be monitored, and only subsequently they will be able to be actively involved in the observation activity.

Among the identified contact persons, the Local Police will choose the so-called Coordinators, who will be responsible for acting as a liaison between the contact persons and the Local Police. The coordinators will receive reports from individual volunteers in the area and, after evaluating them, will forward them to the Local Police.

The duties of the contact persons

Volunteers will be able to carry out simple activities observation with respect to facts and circumstances that occur in one’s neighborhood of reference, for the purpose of reporting them to the institutions and law enforcement agencies. These are not emergency reports: for those the single number 112 remains valid. Furthermore, there is no possibility of intervening directly in relation to an event that one happens to witness. The referent, once a certain fact has been observed, can report it to the coordinator, who will forward the report to the police.

The notices from the citizens will concern exclusively: suspected episodes of drug dealing, people in a state of confusion and evident difficulty, significant situations of danger and disturbance to public peace, acts of vandalism, presence of dangerous obstacles on communication routes, presence or possible suspicious escape of means of transport or people clearly suspicious, suspected bullying, undue use of public spaces, presence in a public place of cars, motorbikes or bicycles that are suspected of being stolen. As regards the presence of people in difficulty or without a fixed abode, the Social Services of the Municipality will also be involved.

Penultimate information meeting on safety

At the same time as the operational phase of the project, the information meetings organized in the neighborhoods also continue. The calendar has now reached penultimate event and saw good public participation during each evening. These meetings open to citizens are an opportunity to inform and train the local population on crucial issues for their daily safety.

Thursday 2 May, at 8.30 pm, in the “Londero” Aula Magna of the “Paolo Naliato” University of the Third Age in via Piemonte we will talk again about fraud prevention, but this time from a strictly psychological point of view. The title of the meeting, open to all citizens, is “Victim? No thank you!” and, thanks to the interventions of some psychologists specialized in the prevention of scams, the topic of scams will be explored in greater depth, in particular those that target the elderly and the most fragile individuals.

Tuesday 7 May, 8.30pm, the last in-depth meeting on the topic of security is scheduled for the teaching room of the Local Police Headquarters. The topic addressed will be network, the risks connected to it and the protection of personal data.

At the end of the calendar of training events, the Municipality also organizedand an evening of leisure: Wednesday 15 May at 8.45 pm, at the Zanon Auditorium, Trigeminus will perform in the comedy show “I truffATTORI”, offering a fun opportunity to discuss the topic of safety.

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