Edelfa Chiara Masciotta what the former Miss Italy is doing today, without a nose after an accident

Edelfa Chiara Masciotta was Miss Italy in 2005 but after discovering his son’s illness he abandoned the world of entertainment. Today she has opened a design studio and still bears the marks of a bad accident she had in hers Turin, a city that has never abandoned, where he lives with his partner, the former footballer Alessandro Rosina.

the many lives of Edelfa Chiara Masciotta

“I have Turin sickness, even when I go to beautiful places there is always a moment when I want to return. I often can’t stand the rigid Savoy style but I wouldn’t change my royal gardens for anything in the world” he said in an interview to the Corriere della Sera in which he told many previously unpublished details of his life. Edelfa Chiara Masciotta today he is forty years old and has a career far from the spotlight but: “I don’t feel like I’ve lost anything.” In the her life was a dancer at least until an Achilles tendon injury at 15 forced her to leave this path. She studied law, worked as an interior designer, she was Miss Italy with everything that having this position entails.

the son’s illness

He had also started one career in the world of acting but he left everything to be close to his son. “The passion for acting was born after winning the Miss Italia competition. I started studying between one trip and another to Miss, I did acting internships in Rome and Milan” but then when her son Andrea (had with her director Roberto Cenci) fell ill with type 1 diabetes and decided to leave everything. “Today, thanks to research, technology gives a great help in managing the pathology. So, the right thing for me to do was to leave everything and stay behind him 100%. I have never had a second thought and I’m happy about it Type 1 diabetes is not genetic, it is an immune-depressed pathology that occurs mainly in childhood” she explained in the interview, “I turned my life around and also my artistic side. And I signed up for the IED”.

the accident

In 2019 he faced another tough test. It was a rainy November evening hit by a car while he was on the strips in Corso Matteotti in Turin: “It was very traumatic and I still bear the signs today. I owe so much to two doctors, I define them as my guardian angels, the otolaryngologist Libero Tubino and the plastic surgeon Andrea Margara” he explained in the interview with Corriere della Sera. “I went through five operations, I found myself without a nose. Full of scars on my face that kept producing cysts. But I don’t want to complain, I’m here and I’m talking about it. I’m also going deaf in one ear, always as a result of the impact But I don’t feel like having another operation.” There are still many signs on her face but she “also resorts to cunning like a fringe or a quiff”. While underlining how “beauty cannot be just the body” the former Miss Italy he admitted that he experienced difficult moments after the accident having to learn to live with these marks on his face.

The meeting with the former Torino footballer Alessandro Rosina it happened by chance: “We had, without knowing it, friends in common. It was very natural. We met here in Turin. It started and is going on. Good.” Together they had two children, but football partly divides them since Edelfa Chiara Masciotta supports Juventus: “But now he plays golf anyway.” The Miss Italy competition came thanks to my mother who enrolled her: “I was studying law, among other things I was missing six exams before graduating from the three-year course. I danced and studied, a simple life.” Thanks to the victory she traveled the world, she studied acting, she met many people but today she doesn’t miss that life and she enjoys the design studio created together with the architect and photographer Daniele Ratti.

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