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ASL of Latina, first healthcare company in Italy certified for gender equality, Villa (Another City): “Hospitals are sinking and politicians are full of praise”

“Since Friday 26 April, there has been a succession of jubilant odes for the Local Health Authority (ASL) of Latina, for having been awarded as the health authority with the most “pink quota” in Italy. In fact, the Local Health Authority of Latina can “boast” four hospitals (Santa Maria Goretti in Latina, Alfredo Fiorini in Terracina, San Giovanni di Dio in Fondi and Dono Svizzero in Formia) and five districts, in which 66% of women work daily. Furthermore, women make up 51% of the managers of the Pontine Local Health Authority”. Commenting on the news was the opposition municipal councilor of Formia, Paola Villa (Another City and Five Star Movement).

The news goes around the web, is picked up by the newspapers and receives compliments from the regional president Rocca and the regional councilor Enrico Tiero. I wonder what there is to compliment. And I say this as a woman, as a “pink quota”.

Rocca and Tiero if they took a tour of the Swiss Gift of Formia and instead of this nonsense of the “pink quotas” they saw the services, the departments empty of staff, the closed clinics and the waiting conditions in the emergency room… Ah for those who don’t If you knew Tiero is part of the regional health commission! Shocking!

Shocking because it seems like a merit to have hired women, especially in an ASL, the aspect should be to aim for professionalism and other types of goals! Shocking because we are complimenting an ASL that is letting a whole series of indispensable services to the territories die.

The chronic shortage of doctors, nurses and health technicians was not enough, just think that at the Dono Svizzero in Formia, in the emergency medicine department the doctor is only present from 8.00 to 14.00, the rest of the day, the entire department is entrusted to the doctor on duty in the emergency room.

It was not enough to have reached the record of “exterminated” waiting lists, often for analyzes regarding oncological pathologies, which certainly cannot wait.

The record number of hours of waiting in the emergency rooms of the much-vaunted hospitals was not enough. At the Dono Svizzero you arrive when there is light and you wait until dark, today, given the work, you wait in a cold area, not at all welcoming, and not even with a security guard, as requested for some time and also written down in a city council resolution on March 27th.

From the second half of March 2024, the suspension, or rather the CESSATION, of the Local Medical Commission’s reservations for special driving licenses in the LT5 district, i.e. for the southern Pontine area, has also been added. Service established in 2012 with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Now all the fragile people, because to request a “special license” you are a fragile person, with “special needs and requirements”, often with walking difficulties or chronic debilitating pathologies, all these people will be forced to go to Latina, an absurd journey it’s hard. As if the ASL ended up in the Pontine countryside, as if the 9 municipalities of the southern Pontine area didn’t exist. Think what a resident of Ponza or Ventotene should do! Third world measure and they boast of having reached the “pink quotas”.

Yet none of the politicians who matter have put their face to it, no one has said to the ASL “what the hell are you doing!” What about the mayors of the LT5 district? Not even a breath.

Don’t worry, here in the province of Latina the number of female ASL employees is even higher than the number of males, and therefore everything is fine.

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