The bands concert opened the International Spring Music Festival

33 days of music, 60 concerts and more than 2000 musicians, the Cremona International Spring Music Festival officially started this Sunday and will continue until June 19th. National and international school and amateur orchestras are the protagonists of the third edition, which aims to promote cultural exchanges between schools, orchestras, choirs and through twinning, master classes, concerts and performances. All, obviously, in the name of music.

Today the parade of four local bands through the streets of Cremona, with a final concert at 5pm in front of Palazzo Cittanova: protagonists Junion Band of the Oglio-Ciria Municipalities Unionthe Band Corps “Giuseppe Verdi” of Ombriano, there Castiglionese Philharmonic and the City of Cremona Band Complex.
The festival will host orchestras, ensembles and choirs from Italy and abroad, for example from the Netherlands, France, the United States and Japan. As always, the squares and courtyards will be the setting for the numerous concerts scheduled, but, thanks to the collaboration with the main cultural institutions of the area, the orchestras and choirs will also perform at the Ponchielli”, at the Arvedi Auditorium, in the courtyard of Palazzo Fodri, in the Auditorium of the Cremona Chamber of Commerce, in the cathedral and at the Manenti Auditorium in Crema.

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