“They try to shut our mouths.” Meloni on stage at the FdI event in Pescara

“They try to shut our mouths.” Meloni on stage at the FdI event in Pescara
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Giorgia Meloni, from the stage in Pescara where the Fratelli d’Italia programmatic conference is being held, announced his candidacy in the next European elections, dissolving all reservations. “Thanks to a coalition that stands together not out of interest but out of choices and can be seen in the results it manages to bring forward“, began the prime minister. There was no shortage of a joke from the prime minister about the absence of Matteo Salvini, who intervened with a video message with his daughter next to him. “Thanks to all the center-right leaders for being here, thanks to Antonio and thanks to Matteo, even if he preferred the bridge… I’m obviously joking, I know how important it is to find time and dedicate yourself to your family“said the prime minister.

The Prime Minister then analyzed the current political situation from the stage, with the majority and opposition lines clearly delineated and new fringes trying to emerge again. THE communists self-declared, with their youth organizations, they are trying to recover their voice and the streets, often with violence. And it is to them that Meloni addressed: “I saw that the communist party, I say this because it still exists, to say where the nostalgic gods are totalitarianisms in Italy, filed a complaint for authorization for this event. But we always ask for permissions and basically we don’t charge the police and we do not disturb the demonstrations of others“. And in his reasoning he noted that “instead they try to us cover your mouth but get over it, it’s not possible to stop us from talking about politics“.

The policy that allowed Fratelli d’Italia to win the consensus of Italians and become the leading party in just a few years. Meloni had no problem remembering that “at the 2019 European Championships we put together the 6.5% of the votesand it was the first time that we obtained a result that protected us, so to speak, from any threshold and therefore protected us from the risk that the vote expressed at Fratelli d’Italia was a vote that was lost“. To achieve that result, continues the prime minister, “it took us 6 years” and it took them three, he continues, to get to “26.5% that is, the result that brought us to the government of this nation, which brought the center-right to the government dragged by the Brothers of Italy, the movement of Italian patriots. The great conservative party, the first party in Italy“.

The prime minister, therefore, claimed the path that led his party to be first in the preferences of Italians and warns the entire audience, because “what we are there earned it is not something we have acquired forever, we must continue to earn it“. But the trust that the center-right now enjoys clearly appears indigestible to a part of parliament and “it makes your wrists tremble but we will not betray those millions of Italians who refused to believe the lies of the left and its minstrelswith a sample of spaceballs promoted within and outside national borders“.

From the platform of Pescara, the Prime Minister defends the ruling class of his party, often under attack: “Here is a splendid response slide to those who say that I am alone and I don’t have capable people around me. Furthermore I have seen in these days the same spirit and the same passion of when we were a small party that fought just to be able to have its say“. He removes the idea that the Brothers of Italy have lusts for power because, he explains, “for us power will never be something we look back on greed: the only thing we look at are our principles and the reality we want to build. And this is a problem for many because the ideas they scare“. On clarity, the prime minister has never played down and even from Pescata he continued to press on the issue of migrants, thanks to her once again being central in Europe.

In my opinion the important thing is the clarity. If Meloni said ‘vote for me and then maybe I’ll go to Europe’, then it would be unacceptable.

But if you say ‘I am running to bring to the EU as Prime Minister the testimony that I have a large portion of Italians following me and I give more authority to Italy’, then thank you Giorgia for running.“, he has declared Ignazio La Russa interviewed by Bianca Berlinguer at the event before the prime minister’s speech.

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