«The tents away, but the battle goes on»

Finished theoccupation of the curtainsSapienza University. The Pratone was free again on Wednesday evening. And in memory of the ten days of camp, created in the University for the state of agitation by the exponents of «Change course» and gods collectives, only patches of a lighter green remain. They aren’t even there anymore banners who praised the Free Palestineagainst the war It is against Israel. The Canadian two-seater also placed under the porticoes of the rectorate which hosted the students, who took turns they chained themselves and they contemplated the hunger strikewas dismantled the day before Liberation Day bridge.

At the demonstration on April 25th

In short, with the four-day suspension of lessons and administrative activities, there was also the suspension of protests in the shadow of Minerva. However, for a few days already attenuated and reduced to daytime only: at night and on holidays, in fact, there were practically no tents uninhabited and leave it there just as symbol of dissent. «The hunger strike – they explain from Cambiare Route – continues outside the university, in the square, on the occasion of the demonstrations on April 25th (in which the students took part, ed.) why be anti-fascists today it means to be anti-Zionists. There Resistence today is that of Palestinian people». And with these words they reiterated the position of that fringe of university students who for months have been asking the rector Antonella Polimeni and the Academic Senate to distance oneself from Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to interrupt any form of collaboration between the university and Israel.

State of agitation and assembly

«We know we are on the right side because universities around the world, starting with Columbia, are mobilizing against genocide in progress – they continue from the communist youth organization – using precisely the curtains that they were symbol of protest. At Sapienza we have opened a breach in the silence which has reigned in recent months.”
After the long weekend of April 25th the tents will not return to the universitybut it permanent state of agitation will not stop and on Monday at 6 p.m. the students will gather in assembly to decide the next moves. «This is why the battle does not end today. The university governance and the rector Polimeni have all the spotlight on them, they will have to realize – they conclude – that this university does not want to submit to their directives and will continue to rebel against the collaborations that link genocide and the war industry».

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