the unions threaten strike

MESSINA – Relations between the unions and the Messina social city are tense. In the prefecture (in the photo), a heated meeting was held between the general secretaries of Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp and Uil Fpl, respectively Francesco Fucile, Giovanna Bicchieri and Livio Andronico, the president of the Messina social city, Valeria Asquini, and the councilor for social policies, Alessandra Calafiore.

At the center of the dispute are several problems that are affecting workers: “poor union relations (lack of responses from the administration to requests for discussion from the unions), contract change (lack of clarity on the transition from the Social Cooperatives contract to Local Functions ), lack of recognition (shift allowance and mileage reimbursement for the use of one’s own vehicle are not recognised), stabilization (lack of concrete answers on the methods of stabilizing temporary workers), future of Casa Serena (uncertainty about the future of structure)”.

The unions, not obtaining satisfactory answers, proclaimed a state of workers’ unrest and announced the possibility of a strike if concrete answers are not given. A meeting with the mayor Federico Basile is scheduled soon to discuss the problems and find solutions. The conciliation procedure at the Prefecture remains open, but its outcome will depend on the outcome of the meeting with the mayor.

Workers are worried and demotivated by the uncertain situation and the lack of responses from the administration. The strike could be the only weapon to finally obtain respect for their rights and protections. The situation remains tense and we await the outcome of the meeting with Mayor Basile to understand how the matter will evolve.

“Among the workers – underlined the union representatives in unison – there is a lot of unease and we have represented their requests. As trade union organizations that are signatories of the national contract which is currently applied by the Messina social city, we cannot accept that our requests for discussion are ignored, despite a unilateral “communication”.

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