Forlì. Room denied to the Mud Victims Committee for a meeting on the flood

Forlì. Room denied to the Mud Victims Committee for a meeting on the flood
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The municipal Avis denies the Mud Victims Unitary Committee the use of the Sala Loreti room for an evening dedicated to the topic of the situation of the territory after the flood, with external speakers and without any political representative and the Committee is disappointed. «We wanted to organize an evening open to the public to remember the flood one year after it happened – says Alessandra Bucchi, president of the Mud Victims Unitary Committee – there is nothing political and I don’t understand why we don’t come granted. We submitted the request on April 15th for an event scheduled for May 14th, close to the anniversary of the flood. It is not a political demonstration and the response we received saddened us.” The management of Avis prefers not to make any declarations on the matter but in the reply email it states: «Avis municipal Forlì, in accordance with its apolitical and non-partisan nature, in order to avoid even involuntary involvement in matters of an extra-associative nature, during the electoral period does not grant ‘external use of the Loreti Room’.

«We are sorry – continues Alessandra Bucchi – I wrote to Avis that personally and on behalf of the entire committee I do not agree with this choice at all and I am saddened by it. The evening organized by us has a mere informative and study intent of our territory with speakers who are absolutely non-partisan in nature, as is our committee. We have never campaigned and we have no intention of doing so. What is even more serious is that the evening is organized to remember the flood one year after it occurred. At this point we ask the city if there is anyone available to give us a room for a non-partisan and apolitical public demonstration during the election campaign. It’s simply an evening of cultural study. It is dedicated to the analysis and understanding of the territory and what is necessary to do following the serious damage that the entire territory has suffered. We as a committee have always spoken to everyone, politicians from the right and the left, in the interest of making the territory safe and to guarantee a fair and just reconstruction for the city’s flood victims.”

The Committee has already prepared the draft of the flyer for the evening open to the public entitled: “The flood one year later. What is being done?” meeting which includes dialogue with experts on reconstruction, protection of the territory and prevention of risks in the new environmental scenarios with a reflection on the special plans for the territory and on the prospects for the future.

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