Environment System, “Spring Cleaning” continues

The initiative continues Environment System and Municipality of Lucca Spring cleaning: itinerant waste collection service.

Next week there will be appointments on April 23rd in Santa Maria del Giudice, on the 24th in Nozzano, on the 26th in S.Michele in Escheto and on the 27th in Vinchiana.

Despite having to face worsening weather conditions, they are continuing with great success Spring cleaningan initiative by Sistema Ambiente and the Municipality of Lucca, which this year too have provided a rich calendar of possibilities for “itinerant” delivery of materials usually destined for collection centres.
As explained by the environmental councilor Cristina Consani and the president of Sistema Ambiente Sandra Bianchi at the time of presentation, it is a service that aims to help those who want to get rid of various materials but are unable to access collection centres.

These are next week’s appointments

On April 23rd from 8 to 12 the appointment is at the new sports field of Santa Maria del Giudice. On 24 April the meeting will be from 2pm to 6pm at the Church of Nozzano before the nursery school car park, on 26 April from 8am to 12pm the meeting will be in Piazzale Martiri Liggeri in San Michele in Escheto, on 27 April from 2pm to 6pm at the cemetery in Vinchiana.

In detail we remember that Paper and cardboard, plastic, metal, wood, packaging, bulky waste and clothing can be collectedfluorescent (neon) tubes, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers, vegetable oils, expired medicines, used batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, used toner cartridges.

Against, they cannot be given: contaminated paints and cans, dangerous waste such as eternit and tarred sheathing, waste inside black bags that prevent visual inspection.

Furthermore i waste they will have to be selected by type before delivery to the operator. Only citizens who own a property registered with the tariff in the Municipality of Lucca can contribute.

Sistema Ambiente reminds you that for information you can always call the call center (0583-33211), the toll-free number (800275445) whatsapp (3336126757) or send an email to [email protected]


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