“Volunteers wanted for protection”

The network of associations “Save the plover of the Ravenna and Cervia coast” announces that the eggs of a plover nest should hatch around April 25th on the northern shores of Ravenna. “A happy event on a day of high symbolic value, which will – we hope – partially compensate for an early nesting season which is bringing less than comforting data throughout Italy. The existence of the fratino is increasingly threatened by many factors, but in the Ravenna and Cervia areas we can count on many attentive and respectful citizens and on good collaboration with the institutions, with the managers and beach operators, who are always very attentive and available. Unfortunately we exclude from the positive notes the Foce Bevano Nature Reserve in Lido di Dante and Lido di Classe, where, due to a few undisciplined people, the protection measures for an area dedicated entirely to nature – among the very few on a completely anthropized Emilia-Romagna coast – are nullified, and no nest is still active. Therefore, while waiting for them to hatch, the volunteers ask for maximum attention from all citizens, in particular from those who take their four-legged friends to the seaside: now more than ever it is necessary to make a small effort and keep them on a leash, so so as not to put chicks at risk who, as is known, are the size of a walnut and are unable to fly for a month.”

The volunteers also launch an appeal for anyone who would like to join them and dedicate a few hours of their time to discovering and protecting the brothers. “No particular experience is required, because you will always be supported by the most experienced volunteers. We thank all the citizens who want to pay attention and give us a hand.” For information, availability or reports call 3349470326 or write to [email protected]


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