North-eastern Calabria is not yet ready for the new frontier of EV cars

North-eastern Calabria is not yet ready for the new frontier of EV cars
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CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – The energy transition in north-eastern Calabria is still a chimera; at least as far as the electric car sector is concerned. If it’s true, as the latest one reports Motus-E reportthat the province of Cosenza is the most virtuous among those in Calabria with the 22% of the charging stations public charging stations installed in all of southern Italy; it is equally true that on the Ionian side of the Sibaritide-Pollino traveling with zero emissions is almost impossible.

By sifting through the data, which can be consulted on the portal electromaps.comone of the main interactive maps where you can identify the active charging stations in real time, at first glance you can see that in the urban area of Cosenza-Makes-Castrolibero they are active almost there half the points charging stations which are, instead, operating in the vast territory to the north-eastwhich covers it well 58 municipalities.

Obviously, in the statistical data analyzed Private charging points are not shown or those made available to users by local companies. The number of charging stations in question, however, only concerns public facilities, those accessible to anyone with an EV car, and are excluded from the count low voltage charging points, mostly intended for e-bikes and other electronic devices.

How many charging stations are there in Sibaritide-Pollino?

First of all, a distinction must be made between installed power and potentially generateable power. In our reference area, in fact, they still remain different devices installed but not working which, in fact, are not included in the registry.

We were saying, in the 58 municipalities of north-eastern Calabria only a small part of the entire installed capacity is operational in the remaining territory of the Province. The charging stations, in fact, are only found in 22 municipalities, mostly coastal or near major communication routes (SS106 And A2 motorway).

First of all one curiosity: if today a green motorist wanted to go for a walk in Sila, going up from the Ionian slopes of the Greek area, he couldn’t do it. And this is why it is in the towns of the Ionian hinterland that in Arberia there isn’t even a charging point. The reason why? Evidently the Municipalities did not request it or in any case there was no priority interest in it. Unlike the Pollino where, however, some small towns (less than 1000 inhabitants) that are close to or inside the Park have equipped themselves with recharge stations for electric cars. It is the case of Alessandria del Carretto, San Lorenzo Bellizzi, Civita which each have 2 columns installed.

All things considered, from Rocca Imperiale to Cariati, from Papasidero to Sibari, passing through Castrovillari and Corigliano-Rossano, the there are a total of 126 charging stations for EV cars of which 62% (78 columns) slow charging (22kw); 29% (36 columns) with fast charging (from 30 to 60kw); only 9% (12 columns) with super fast charging (between 150 and 300 kW).

The common “friends” of EV cars

These, therefore, are the common friends of EV cars: a Imperial Fortress there are 5 columns (1 slow and 4 fast), a Cane 5 (lens), a Capo Spulico Rose Garden 8 (lens), Alessandria del Carretto 2 (lens), Albidona 7 (lens), Trebisacce 9 (1 slow and 8 fast), San Lorenzo Bellizzi 2 (lens), Villapiana 6 (fast), Francavilla Marittima 2 (fast), Civita 2 (lens), Castrovillari 3 (lens), Morano Calabro 11 (5 slow, 2 fast and 4 super fast in Campotenese near the A2 junction), Laino Castello 5 (lens), Laino Borgo 2 (fast), Saracen 6 (lens), I sign 6 (lens), Cassano Jonio 19 (9 slow, 6 fast and 4 super fast), Corigliano-Rossano 11 (9 slow and 2 fast), Crosia 8 (4 fast and 4 super fast), Calopeti 2 (lens), Inlay 3 (lens) e Altomonte 2 (lens).

The quality of the charging

In total 126 columns but only 12 of these are truly useful for fast electric mobility. The usefulness of an EV car, in fact, lies in travel times. AND travel times are directly connected to charging times and the positioning of the charging stations in the different territories. For many, the electric car, in these latitudes, is just a fad. Many recharge it at the private column under the house (connected to the domestic meter) and then remain in the urban circuit. Very few, however, use the green car for long journeys, precisely because the charging points are few and the times are biblical.

For a slow charging “full tank”. (which is the shape of the vast majority of charging points in the north-east of Calabria) it takes at least an hour and a half (with batteries in optimal conditions) while for a fast charge it takes from 30 to 45 minutes. Those who, on the other hand, guarantee an acceptable travel/time ratio compared to the more classic combustion engine cars are super fast recharges which take a maximum of 15 minutes (300kw ones also take 10 minutes) to charge the car batteries. Now, of the 12 super fast plants that are operational in the reference area only 8 have a power of 300 kW and they are the 4 installed in Sibari (Cassano Jonio) and the 4 installed in Mirto (Crosia). In short, the true electric revolution is limited only to these two realities.

The dramatic Corigliano-Rossano case

In the capital of north-eastern Calabria, in Corigliano-Rossano, there are over 200 totally electric cars in circulation in front of only 11 public charging stations which provide a very low power service. Indeed, 9 of these devices deliver the least power possible to charge an EV car (22kw) e only 2 have 50kw fast charging. This, despite Corigliano-Rossano itself being one of the first municipalities, already in 2017, to have installed a charging point, when many were still wondering what those futuristic installations were. In seven years almost no progress. On the contrary. Corigliano-Rossano has remained in the prehistoric era in terms of innovation and energy transition in the field of e-motif. And this is also due to the negligence of the municipal apparatus which, evidently, does not believe in that so-called green revolution.

In short, in our latitudes petrol pumps will still have a long life (at least until the raw material runs out). We will take care of the rest if necessary… perfectly Calabria style!


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