Chiara Ferragni in Forte dei Marmi between gossip, controversy and a new love?

New weekend and new trip to Forte dei Marmi. Chiara Ferragni chooses Versilia again for the weekend feeding the gossip about a meeting with a “handsome Tuscan doctor but Milanese by adoption”. While the paparazzi are on alert to grab the photo that could make the rumors come true, the ones holding the spotlight on social media are the barbs launched openly by the influencer all’ex Fedez (in which BFF also participates) Veronica Ferraro).

Chiara Ferragni in Forte dei Marmi (for love?)

After last weekend’s parenthesis in Sicily for Diletta Leotta’s wedding (which was also attended by former collaborator Fabio Maria Damato), Chiara Ferragni is back in Forte dei Marmi, constant on his weekends for the summer of 2024, the first since the separation. Together with the 37-year-old, he lifelong friends including Veronica Ferraro and her children Vittoria and Leone. Given the insistence of the Tuscan weekends, there are those who hypothesize that in the F-crew there could also be Andrea Bisciottidoctor born in 1993 who Dagospia branded as the fashion blogger’s new boyfriend.

According to the Roman portal, it would be the 31 year old from Pontremoli who works at Humanitas in Milan the reason why “Fedez’s ex-wife insistently frequents Versilia”. Allegations that rode the wave of gossip after the Capri dedication of the digital entrepreneur: that “Wish you were here” that opened the entire recipient and relaunched the scoop of a new love on the horizon.

What happened between Veronica Ferraro and Fedez

Meanwhile, always from the Fort, the Ferragni’s jabs at her ex Fedez to which this time the ex has decided to respond. The first is a video of Chiara chatting with a beachgoer who stops her for a photo. In the video, the 37-year-old jokes about the reason for her beauty: “Separation” he says lending himself for the shot.

Followers are divided between those who applaud his irony and those who find this content too Gen Z and evidently well thought out. Haters won’t let go (the Augustus Hotel that hosted her in Forte had to remove the possibility of commenting on the posts) and they continue to storm her profiles, reminding her that redemption is still far away.

Again a video on TikTok, this time with the help of her friend Ferraro it seemed like another attack on Federico. In the lipsync video posted on TikTok, the two friends replicate a trend by reciting an exchange between Tina Cipollari and Gianni Sperti at Men and women. “Since he came down that ladder that I never liked/I even defended him!/Well, you’ll understand these things! What are we talking about/I defended him! I believed in him!/You even believe in the Befana!”.

No name but after all there is no need. Fedez responded by choosing a verse from her latest single with Emis Killa, Sexy Shopin which he points the finger at his ex-wife’s friends who, according to him, took advantage of her for popularity and ulterior motives. “For every friend of yours thirsty for fame/You were spring water”, Federico’s line. “And when I say never, I mean NEVER”, specified the former judge of X Factor in an IG story reiterating his version of events. See you next time.

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